During these first two weeks at school, we’ve been introduced to some important routines for the English class, such as the Class Leader’s role, the class work plan and its check, presentations on stories, performances, rhymes, songs or tongue twisters, and the assessment on both our classmates’ presentations and the class itself. The methodology our teacher of English uses in class allows and helps us to use the English language in a natural way: to communicate, to plan, to give instructions to others, to check our work, to offer opinions, and for self-evaluation. In other words, we learn the English language by using it in real-like situations.
By the way, we want to encourage our parents to listen to the Bingo song with us (on the CD we keep at home), since they should know how well we can sing it, perform it and understand it.
Durant aquestes dues primeres setmanes de col·le, hem adoptat algunes rutines importants per a les classes d’anglès, com la figura del líder de la classe, el pla de treball diari i la seva comprovació, les presentacions d’històries, representacions, rimes, cançons o embarbussaments, i l’avaluació de les presentacions dels companys i de la classe en si. La metodologia emprada per la nostra mestra d’anglès ens permet i ens ajuda a utilitzar la llengua anglesa d’una manera natural: per comunicar-nos, planificar, donar instruccions als altres, comprovar el nostre treball, donar opinions, i autoavaluar-nos. En d’altres paraules, aprenem la llengua anglesa tot utilitzant-la en situacions versemblants.
Per cert, volem animar els nostres pares a escoltar amb nosaltres la cançó "Bingo" (al CD que guardem a casa), ja que haurien de saber que bé que la cantem, representem i entenem.