Our command of English is improving very quickly. We’ve just learned the main parts and joints of the body, as well as some types of movements that we can do with them; and we are also able to make simple physical descriptions, both orally and in writing.
Our teacher has encouraged us to practise online some of the new vocabulary and structures at: http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/make-your-own/make-your-monster. It might be a good way of keeping on learning and having fun at the same time, mightn’t it?
El nostre domini de l’anglès està millorant molt ràpidament. Tot just hem acabat d’aprendre les principals parts i articulacions del cos, així com alguns tipus de moviments que podem fer amb aquestes ultimes; i també sabem fer descripcions físiques senzilles, tant oralment com per escrit.
La mestra ens ha animat a practicar on-line part del nou vocabulari i estructures a: http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/make-your-own/make-your-monster. Podria ser una bona manera de continuar aprenent i divertir-nos alhora, oi?