Tuesday, 26 October 2010

4th Year

Our command of English is improving very quickly. We’ve just learned the main parts and joints of the body, as well as some types of movements that we can do with them; and we are also able to make simple physical descriptions, both orally and in writing.
Our teacher has encouraged us to practise online some of the new vocabulary and structures at: http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/make-your-own/make-your-monster. It might be a good way of keeping on learning and having fun at the same time, mightn’t it?

El nostre domini de l’anglès està millorant molt ràpidament. Tot just hem acabat d’aprendre les principals parts i articulacions del cos, així com alguns tipus de moviments que podem fer amb aquestes ultimes; i també sabem fer descripcions físiques senzilles, tant oralment com per escrit.
La mestra ens ha animat a practicar on-line part del nou vocabulari i estructures a: http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/make-your-own/make-your-monster. Podria ser una bona manera de continuar aprenent i divertir-nos alhora, oi?

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

3rd Year

Next Wednesday, October 27th we’ll take our first exam.
What to study for the test
-          The days of the week -well written!- (Student’s book, page 7, activity 4)
-          The main jobs in a school, and the difference between “he’s” and “she’s” & “his” and “her” (Student’s book, page 6, activity 3 -we did it in the notebook!-)
-          The members of a family, and how to read and interpret information from a family tree -e.g. “Lily is Jack’s sister”- (Activity book, page 10)
-          Names of things that begin with “sh-“ and “s-“ (Student’s book, page 9, activity 7 & Activity book, page 9)
All the activities in Unit 1 on the Multi-ROM can help us study for the exam.
Good luck!

El proper dimecres 27 d’octubre farem el nostre primer examen de llengua anglesa.
Què cal estudiar per a l’examen
-          Els dies de la setmana -ben escrits!- (llibre de l’estudiant, pàgina 7, exercici 4)
-          Els principals llocs de treball en una escola, i la diferència entre “he’s” i “she’s” & “his” i “her” (llibre de l’estudiant, pàgina 6, exercici 3 -el vam fer a la llibreta!-)
-          Els membres d’una família, i com llegir i interpretar informació d’un arbre de família -p. ex. “Lily is Jack’s sister”- (llibre d’exercicis, pàgina 10)
-          Noms de coses que comencen per “sh-“ i “s-“ (llibre de l’estudiant, pàgina 9, exercici 7 & llibre d’exercicis, pàgina 9)
Totes les activitats de la unitat 1 del Multi-ROM poden ajudar-nos a estudiar per a l’examen.
Bona sort!

Saturday, 16 October 2010

5th Year - Exam!!

This is what we've studied in this unit:

1. Have got (affirmative / negative / interrogative)
2. Comparative with -er
3. Can + verb (I can run...)
4. Frequencies (every day / five times a week ... ); How often do you...?
5. Too + adjective (too long)

6. Vocabulary: parts of the body, different types of physical exercise
7. Descriptions
8. Abilities (what we can do and what we can't do)
9. Phonics: the way words sound

Remember: always put the subject in your sentences!!

6th Year - Exam!

Remember what we've studied in this unit:

1. There is / There are; There isn't / There aren't; Is there? / Are there?
2. To wear (I'm wearing... / He's wearing...)
3. To be (is / are)

4. Descriptions of biomes, weather, houses, clothes people are wearing.
5. Vocabulary of the weather, clothes and biomes (including vegetation).

6. Phonics: the sounds of words.

Remember!! Always put the subject in your sentences!!

Friday, 15 October 2010

2nd Year

Hello again!

This week we've started a new unit. We will be studying good and bad habits for our teeth.

We have to do a couple of things:

1. Listen to the story "The Dentist" in the CD.
2. Bring a picture of food: we'll stick it in a poster after we've discussed whether it is good or bad for your teeth.

Have a good weekend!

Hola de nou!

Aquesta setmana hem començat una unitat nova. Estudiarem els bons i mals hàbits per les nostres dents.

Hem de fer un parell de coses:

1. Escoltar la història "The Dentist" al CD.
2. Portar una imatge d'algun menjar: l'enganxarem a un pòster després de discutir si és bo o dolent per a les dents.

Bon cap de setmana!

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

1st Year

We’ve devoted the last four sessions of English to art and, more specifically, to Vincent Van Gogh and his most popular paintings. This means that we can talk about the latter, especially about “The Bedroom in Arles” and “Sunflowers”, and we can also give some important information about the artist.
Since this weekend we’ll have our Student’s books at home, we’d like to show to our parents what we’ve learned about this Post-Impressionist painter and his works of art. In English, of course!

Hem dedicat les darreres quatre sessions de llengua anglesa a l’art i, més concretament, a Vincent Van Gogh i les seves pintures més famoses. Això vol dir que podem parlar d’aquestes últimes, sobretot d’“El dormitori de Van Gogh a Arle” i “Els gira-sols”, i també que podem donar alguna informació rellevant de l’artista.
Com que aquest cap de setmana tindrem el llibre d’anglès a casa, ens agradaria mostrar als nostres pares el que hem après sobre aquest pintor postimpressionista i les seves obres d’art. En anglès, és clar!

Friday, 8 October 2010

2nd Year


This long weekend your children will take their books and notebooks home. They have to complete two tasks (as written in the diary and explained in class):

1. Read Josphine's story on page 6 of the book.
2. Finish October's cover in their notebook (and the general cover if they haven't already). They have to decorate and colour the page.

ATTENTION:  they do NOT have to memorise the story, they just have to practise it (listening to the CD too) so that they can read it loud in class.

Have a good weekend!


Aquest cap de setmana llarg els vostres fills han portat el llibre i la llibreta cap a casa. Han de fer dues tasques (tal com hem escrit a l'agenda i hem explicat a classe):

1. Llegir el conte de Josephine de la pàgina 6 del llibre.
2. Acabar la coberta d'octubre de la llibreta (i la coberta general si no ho han fet ja). Han de decorar i colorejar la pàgina.

ATENCIÓ: NO han de memoritzar el conte, només l'han de practicar (escoltant també el CD) de manera que la puguin llegir en veu alta a classe

Bon cap de setmana!

Thursday, 7 October 2010

5th Year


In the last post we talked about the Multi-Rom and today we'll tell you about other ways of practising Unit 1, this time online. We've discovered that English children are also studying anatomy, the way our body moves, the measurements of our body parts and many more things! Explore these sites:


You'll have hours of fun while you're learning both English and Science!


A l'últim missatge vam parlar del Multi-Rom i avui us parlarem d'altres maneres de practicar la Unitat 1, aquesta vegada online. Hem descobert que els nens anglesos també estudien anatomia, la manera com es mou el nostre cos, les mides de les parts del nostre cos i moltes coses més! Exploreu aquestes pàgines:


Passareu hores ben divertides mentre apreneu anglès i ciència alhora!

6th Year


This week we've been to the computer room and we've complemented what we're doing in class with some activities online. We're becoming quite proficient in everything related to the climate: biomes, geography, housing... We've made a virtual trip to English schools and we're happy to say that we've understood a lot of what we've read and seen!

Keep practising at: www.bbc.co.uk/schools/whatisweather/ You will be learning without noticing it! Explore all the possibilities!


Aquesta setmana hem anat a l'aula d'ordinadors i hem complementat el que fem a classe amb algunes activitats online. Estem esdevenint uns entesos en tot allò relacionat amb el clima: biomes, geografia, construccions... Hem fet un viatge virtual a escoles angleses i ens fa feliços dir que hem entès molt del què hem llegit i hem vist!

Hem de continuar practicant a: www.bbc.co.uk/schools/whatisweather/ Aprendrem sense adonar-nos-en! Exploreu totes les possibilitats!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

4th Year

Next Friday, October 15th we’ll take our first exam.
What to study for the test
-          The difference between a city, a town and a village (Student’s book, page 14, activity 17)
-          The main buildings/places in a city (Student’s book, page 6, activity 2)
-          The main rooms in a house and the activities that take place in them (Student’s book, page 10, activity 8 & Student’s book, page 11, activity 10 – we did it in the notebook!)
-          The structures “Are there any…?” – “Yes, there are/No, there aren’t” & “Is there a…?” – “Yes, there is/No, there isn’t” (Activity book, page 12, activity 17 & some model sentences we copied in the notebook)
-          Names of things that begin with “sh-“ and “ch-“ (Student’s book, page 9, activity 7 & Activity book, page 9)
All the activities in Unit 1 on the Multi-ROM can help us study for the exam.
Good luck!

El proper divendres 15 d’octubre farem el nostre primer examen de llengua anglesa.
Què cal estudiar per a l’examen
-          La diferència entre “city”, “town” i “village” (llibre de l’estudiant, pàgina 14, exercici 17)
-          Els principals edificis/llocs d’una ciutat (llibre de l’estudiant, pàgina 6, exercici 2)
-          Les principals habitacions d’una casa i les activitats que es fan en cadascuna d’elles (llibre de l’estudiant, pàgina 10, exercici 8 & llibre de l’estudiant, pàgina 11, exercici 10 – el vam fer a la llibreta!)
-          Les estructures “Are there any…?” – “Yes, there are/No, there aren’t” & “Is there a…?” – “Yes, there is/No, there isn’t” (llibre d’exercicis, pàgina 12, exercici 17 & algunes frases d’exemple que vam copiar a la llibreta)
-          Noms de coses que comencen per “sh-“ i “ch-“ (llibre de l’estudiant, pàgina 9, exercici 7 & llibre d’exercicis, pàgina 9)
Totes les activitats de la unitat 1 del Multi-ROM poden ajudar-nos a estudiar per a l’examen.
Bona sort!