In the next weeks, we’ll be working on the topic of animals. We’ll learn some examples of birds, fish, insects and mammals, and we’ll classify them in several different ways: according to their taxonomy, their physical appearance and their mode of movement. Also, we’ll learn the main body parts of animals as well as the chief characteristics of insects.
Our teacher has thought about an interesting warm-up activity. She’s told us to open the Project Booklet at page 19, choose four real animals from activity 6 in order to create a fantasy animal, decide what body parts from the former are going to make up the latter and, finally, draw our fantasy animal in the notebook and give it a name. Some of us will have to present and describe our animal to the rest of the class (e.g. “It’s got a tiger’s head, a horse’s body...”).
En les properes setmanes, treballarem en el tema dels animals. Aprendrem alguns noms d’ocells, peixos, insectes i mamífers, i classificarem aquests animals en funció de diferents criteris: taxonomia, aparença física i tipus de desplaçament. També aprendrem les principals parts del cos dels animals, així com els trets més rellevants dels insectes.
La nostra mestra ha pensat en una activitat introductòria força interessant. Ens ha dit que miréssim la pàgina 19 del “Project Booklet”, escollíssim quatre animals reals de l’activitat 6 per crear un animal imaginari, decidíssim quines parts del cos dels primers formarien aquest últim i, finalment, dibuixéssim el nostre animal imaginari a la llibreta i li donéssim un nom. Alguns de nosaltres haurem de presentar i descriure aquest animal davant dels companys/es (e.g. “It’s got a tiger’s head, a horse’s body...”).