Monday, 28 February 2011

3rd Year

In the next weeks, we’ll be working on the topic of animals. We’ll learn some examples of birds, fish, insects and mammals, and we’ll classify them in several different ways: according to their taxonomy, their physical appearance and their mode of movement. Also, we’ll learn the main body parts of animals as well as the chief characteristics of insects.
Our teacher has thought about an interesting warm-up activity. She’s told us to open the Project Booklet at page 19, choose four real animals from activity 6 in order to create a fantasy animal, decide what body parts from the former are going to make up the latter and, finally, draw our fantasy animal in the notebook and give it a name. Some of us will have to present and describe our animal to the rest of the class (e.g. “It’s got a tiger’s head, a horse’s body...”).

En les properes setmanes, treballarem en el tema dels animals. Aprendrem alguns noms d’ocells, peixos, insectes i mamífers, i classificarem aquests animals en funció de diferents criteris: taxonomia, aparença física i tipus de desplaçament. També aprendrem les principals parts del cos dels animals, així com els trets més rellevants dels insectes.
La nostra mestra ha pensat en una activitat introductòria força interessant. Ens ha dit que miréssim la pàgina 19 del “Project Booklet”, escollíssim quatre animals reals de l’activitat 6 per crear un animal imaginari, decidíssim quines parts del cos dels primers formarien aquest últim i, finalment, dibuixéssim el nostre animal imaginari a la llibreta i li donéssim un nom. Alguns de nosaltres haurem de presentar i descriure aquest animal davant dels companys/es (e.g. “It’s got a tiger’s head, a horse’s body...”).

Sunday, 20 February 2011

4th Year

Next Friday, February 25th we’ll take our fourth exam.
What to study for the test
-          Some basic food items and finished dishes
-          The difference between perishable and non-perishable food
-          The main items of food that we get proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins and minerals from
-          The use of a/an for singular countable nouns (an apple, a sandwich, a yogurt…), and some for plural countable nouns (some apples, some sandwiches, some yogurts…) and uncountable nouns (some rice, some milk, some bread…)
-          Words that begin with “y-“ and “j-“ (jumper, jam, jar, jug, yogurt, yellow, young…)
All the activities in Unit 4 on the Multi-ROM can help us study for the exam.
Good luck!

El proper divendres 25 de febrer farem el nostre quart examen de llengua anglesa.
Què cal estudiar per a l’examen
-          Noms d’aliments bàsics i plats acabats
-          La diferència entre queviures peribles i no peribles
-          Els principals aliments dels quals obtenim proteïnes, glúcids, i vitamines i minerals
-          L’ús d’”a”/”an” per a noms comptables singulars (“an apple”, “a sandwich”, “a yogurt”…), i “some” per a noms comptables plurals (“some apples”, “some sandwiches”, “some yogurts”…) i noms incomptables (“some rice”, “some milk”, “some bread”…)
-          Paraules que comencen per “y-“ i “j-“ (“jumper”, ”jam”, “jar”, “jug”, “yogurt”, “yellow”, “young”…)
Totes les activitats de la unitat 4 del Multi-ROM poden ajudar-nos a estudiar per a l’examen.
Bona sort!

Friday, 18 February 2011

2nd Year (and others)


Next Saturday, the 26th of February, at 12:00pm you'll have the opportunity to take your children along to the library, Armand Cardona, to listen to a story in English: The dog who loved the moon. Here's a link with the information:

Children love stories. What a great opportunity to experience English in a different context. Maybe we can get some ideas for the story we are writing in class...


El proper dissabte dia 26 de febrer a les 12 del migdia tindreu l'oportunitat de portar els vostres fills a la biblioteca Armand Cardona per escoltar un conte en anglès: The dog who loved the moon. Aquí teniu un enllaç amb la informació:

Als nens els encanten els contes. Quina bona oportunitat per viure l'anglès en un context diferent. Potser ens donarà alguna idea per al conte que estem escrivint a classe...

Sunday, 13 February 2011

1st Year

During these last three weeks of English at school, we’ve been working on a very interesting story titled “Ice Cream”. After learning the dialogue, we’ve been acting out the story in groups. Also, we’ve been practising other dialogues related to shopping through games and role-playing activities, and, as usual, we’ve designed a booklet to present the story to others. However, the most important thing we’ve learned through this story is that we don’t want to be like these children who are always saying “I want this!” or “I don’t want that!”; this is not a good attitude, isn’t it?

Al llarg de les darreres tres setmanes d’anglès al col·le, hem estat treballant en una història molt interessant titulada “Ice Cream”. Un cop après el diàleg, hem estat representant la historieta en grups. També hem estat practicant altres diàlegs relacionats amb les compres mitjançant jocs i activitats de rol, i, com és habitual, hem dissenyat un llibret per presentar la història als altres. Malgrat tot, el més important que hem après a través d’aquesta historieta és que no volem ser com aquests nens i nenes que diuen constantment “Vull això!” o “No vull allò!”; i és que aquesta no és pas una bona actitud, oi?

Sunday, 6 February 2011

3rd Year

Next Friday, February 18th we’ll take our third exam.
What to study for the test
-          Names of sports and free time activities
-          How to express one’s opinion and preferences in relation to free time activities and hobbies (e.g. “I like swimming, athletics and gym”, “I don’t like football, basketball or hockey”)
-          The main equipment needed for each sport (e.g. “I’ve got trainers and a baseball bat. I can play baseball”)
-          How to give rules/orders for different sports and games (e.g. “Kick the ball!”, “Wear pool shoes!”, “Don’t run!”, “Don’t sit down!)
-          Words that begin with “sn-“, “sc-“, “sw-“ and “sk-“ (e.g. snow, snake, scarf, school, sweets, swim, skirt…)
All the activities in Unit 3 on the Multi-ROM can help us study for the exam.
Good luck!

El proper divendres 18 de febrer farem el nostre tercer examen de llengua anglesa.
Què cal estudiar per a l’examen
-          Noms d’esports i activitats d’oci
-          Com expressar la pròpia opinió i preferències en relació a activitats d’oci i hobbies (e.g. “I like swimming, athletics and gym”, “I don’t like football, basketball or hockey”)
-          El principal equipament requerit per a cada esport (e.g. “I’ve got trainers and a baseball bat. I can play baseball”)
-          Com donar normes/ordres per a diferents esports i jocs (e.g. “Kick the ball!”, “Wear pool shoes!”, “Don’t run!”, “Don’t sit down!)
-          Paraules que comencen per “sn-“, “sc-“, “sw- i sk-“ (e.g. “snow”, “snake”, “scarf”, “school”, “sweets”, “swim”, “skirt”…)
Totes les activitats de la unitat 3 del Multi-ROM poden ajudar-nos a estudiar per a l’examen.
Bona sort!

2nd Year

How are you?

This week we're working on a new booklet: Minnie. With this story we're learning to express feelings and talk about what we can do and we can't do. We're also using the language required to talk about what we have and what we need.

The task we have for the next couple of weeks is to practise our reading skills. Again, listen to the story on the CD as you're reading it and then read it aloud, trying to imitate the sounds and the intonation as well as possible. In class, children will have to read parts of the story aloud.

Have fun!

Què tal?

Aquesta setmana treballem un nou llibret: Minnie. Amb aquesta història estem aprenent a expressar sentiments i parlar sobre allò que sabem fer i allò que no sabem fer. També estem fent servir el llenguatge necessari per parlar del què tenim i del què necessitem.

La tasca de les properes dues setmanes serà practicar la lectura. Com ja hem fet abans, escoltem la història al CD mentre la llegim i aleshores la llegim en veu alta, intentant imitar els sons i l'entonació el millor possible. A la classe els nens i nenes hauran de llegir parts del conte en veu alta.

Passeu-vos-ho bé!