Thursday, 31 March 2011

4th Year

Hello my dear pupils!
Read this joke carefully, try to understand it and be ready to tell it in class next week.

Hola, estimats/des alumnes!
Llegiu aquest acudit atentament, intenteu entendre’l i estigueu preparats/des per explicar-lo a classe la setmana que ve.

TEACHER: Ellen, give me a sentence starting with “I”.
ELLEN: “I is...”.
TEACHER: No, Ellen. Always say “I am”.
ELLEN: All right... “I am the ninth letter of the alphabet”.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

4th Year

If we click here, here or here, we can all get some more practice with the personal pronouns. It’s worth doing these exercises!
See you!

Si cliquem aquí, aquí o aquí, podem practicar una mica més amb els pronoms personals. Val la pena fer aquests exercicis!
A reveure!

1st Year

Last week we started to work on a new story: “Morning and Night”. We’ve been talking about those animals that live on the farm, at the zoo or in the forest, and we’ve also learned about their sleeping habits (diurnal or nocturnal sleepers). The teacher has encouraged us to listen to the story at home, understand it, repeat it (to practice phonetics) and try to read it as soon as we have the booklet ready. We should bear in mind that the more we work at home, the more we’ll improve our performance in English. Cheer up!

La setmana passada, vam començar a treballar en una nova historieta: “Morning and Night”. Hem estat parlant d’aquells animals que viuen en una granja, al zoo o al bosc, i també hem après quins són els seus hàbits de son (si dormen de dia o de nit). La mestra ens ha animat a escoltar la història a casa, entendre-la, repetir-la (per practicar la fonètica) i intentar llegir-la tan aviat com tinguem el llibret a punt. Hauríem de tenir present que com més treballem a casa, més millorarem el nostre rendiment en anglès. Ànims!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

4th Year

Hello again!
We’ve thought that , instead of learning the Simple Present Tense through the topic of cultural events and venues (as proposed in our English books), we could be introduced to this new grammatical tense through daily routines. That’ll be both much more enriching and funny for us.
The first step will be to watch this video ( and write the sentences shown on it in our notebooks. This work should be done for the next English class (March, 23) so as to start working on these sentences without delay.

Hola de nou!
Hem pensat que, en comptes d’aprendre el “Simple Present Tense” mitjançant el tema dels esdeveniments i llocs culturals (tal i com proposen els nostres llibres d’anglès), podríem introduir-nos en aquest nou temps gramatical a través de les rutines diàries. Per a nosaltres, això serà molt més enriquidor i, alhora, divertit.
El primer pas serà veure aquest vídeo ( i escriure a les nostres llibretes les frases que hi apareixen. Aquesta feina hauria d’estar feta per a la propera classe d’anglès (23 de març) a fi de començar a treballar en aquestes frases sense torbar-nos.

Monday, 14 March 2011

5th Year

Students of 5th Year A think this is what is going to be in the exam:

1. Phonics (iu, oi)
2. Asking questions with "do/does". Answering questions.
3. Vocabulary: vegetables, fruits, months of the year, countries, cardinal points.
4. What temperatures, rainfall and sunlight food needs to grow.
5. The future with "going to"
6. Present continuous (He is growing tomatoes in the south-east corner).
7. Listening.

Are the students right???