Last Friday, some of us asked our teacher of English about Ezra: “Where is he?”, “Why did he leave so early?”, “Will he come back?”... If we had not learnt so much from him, we’d certainly not be missing him now, but he taught us so many interesting things!
We still remember what he told us about the way English people celebrate Halloween: “Adults dress up with costumes and go to parties, children go trick-or-treating, but I stay at home, turn off the lights and try to be quiet so that people believe nobody is in the house. Halloween is such big business…”. How right you are!
Divendres passat, alguns de nosaltres vam preguntar a la nostra mestra d’anglès per l’Ezra: “On és?”, “Per què se n’ha anat tan aviat?”, “Tornarà?”… És clar que si no haguéssim après tant d’ell, ara no el trobaríem a faltar, però ens va ensenyar tantes coses interessants!
Encara recordem el que ens va explicar sobre com els anglesos celebren el Halloween: “Els adults es disfressen i van a festes, la canalla fa el trick-or-treat, però jo em quedo a casa, apago els llums i procuro no fer soroll per tal que la gent pensi que no hi ha ningú a dins. El Halloween és un negoci tan gran…”. Quanta raó tens!