Thursday, 26 January 2012

4th Year

In the last two weeks, we’ve been working on the present continuous tense. We use this verb form to indicate that an action or a situation is happening  now, at the moment of speaking; and we make this tense with the correct form of the verb to be (am/is/are) and the “ing” form of the main verb. We know all that, but… how about practising the present continuous tense a bit more? Let’s click here, then.

Cheer up!

Durant les darreres dues setmanes, hem estat treballant en la forma verbal “present continuous”. Utilitzem aquest temps verbal per indicar que una acció o situació està passant ara, en el moment en què parlem; i el construïm amb la forma correcta del verb “to be” (“am”/”is”/”are”) i el verb principal acabat en “ing”. Sabem tot això, però... i si practiquem el “present continuous” una mica més? Cliquem aquí, llavors.


Saturday, 21 January 2012

3rd Year

Day by day, we’re becoming more and more expert at plants. We already know what they need to grow, as well as their main parts and the functions of each one of them. It’ll be interesting to have a look at these web pages in order to review what we’ve learned up to this moment:

Cada dia som més experts en plantes. Ja sabem què necessiten per créixer, així com les seves principals parts i les funcions de cadascuna d’elles. Serà interessant fer una ullada a aquestes pàgines web per tal de revisar el que hem après fins ara:

Thursday, 12 January 2012

3rd Year

Next Thursday, January 19th (3rd A), or Friday, January 20th (3rd B), we’ll take our second exam.
What to study for the test
-          The five organs of perception and the five senses (e.g. “I see with my eyes”, “I hear with my ears”…)
-          The description of objects through the use of adjectives of quality (e.g. “the ice cream is cold and soft”, “the snowman is wet and cold”…)
-          The description of objects by using the structures “can” & “can’t” and naming the senses (e.g. “I can smell flowers”, “I can’t taste a guitar”…)
-          Names of things that begin with “ch-“ and “c-“ (e.g. chair, chess, chocolate…; cow, cat, car…)
All the activities in Unit 2 on the Multi-ROM can help us study for the exam.
Good luck!

El proper dijous 19 de gener (3r A) o divendres 20 de gener (3r B), farem el nostre segon examen de llengua anglesa.
Què cal estudiar per a l’examen
-          Els cinc òrgans de percepció i els cinc verbs sensorials (e.g. “I see with my eyes”, “I hear with my ears”…)
-          La descripció d’objectes mitjançant l’ús d’adjectius qualitatius (e.g. “the ice cream is cold and soft”, “the snowman is wet and cold”…)
-          La descripció d’objectes utilitzant les estructures “can” & “can’t” i els verbs sensorials (e.g. “I can smell flowers”, “I can’t taste a guitar”…)
-          Noms de coses que comencen per “ch-“ i “c-“ (e.g. chair, chess, chocolate…; cow, cat, car…)
Totes les activitats de la unitat 2 del Multi-ROM poden ajudar-nos a estudiar per a l’examen.
Bona sort!