Friday, 27 April 2012

3rd Year

Yesterday, we started working on our five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. We already know that they are controlled by the five sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin), which take in information from our environment and send it to our brain.

In the next three weeks, we’ll focus on the types of stimuli that each sense organ responds to, as well as on the way they work and how to care for them. We’re sure we’ll have fun while learning about the five senses!

Ahir vam començar a treballar en els cinc sentits: vista, oïda, olfacte, gust i tacte. Ja sabem que estan controlats pels cinc òrgans sensorials (ulls, orelles, nas, llengua i pell), que capten informació del nostre entorn i l’envien al cervell.
En les properes tres setmanes ens centrarem en les classes d’estímuls a què cada òrgan sensorial respon, així com en el seu funcionament i la manera com hem de tenir-ne cura. Estem segurs que ens divertirem molt mentre aprenem sobre els cinc sentits!

Friday, 20 April 2012

All Years

Today we've had the chance to see two theatre plays in English at the school chapel: “The Little Mermaid” and “Freaky”. They've been performed by native English-speaking professional actors and actresses who knew how to encourage us to participate and use the English language during the shows. Besides, these plays deal with some important issues such as bullying and self-acceptance. We are proud to be in a multilingual school!

If you want to see some photos of the performances, click here or here.

Avui hem tingut l’oportunitat de veure dues obres de teatre en anglès a la capella de l’escola: “The Little Mermaid” i “Freaky”. Han estat representades per actors i actrius professionals de parla anglesa que han sabut com encoratjar-nos a participar i utilitzar activament l’anglès durant els espectacles. A més, aquestes obres tracten alguns temes importants com l’assetjament escolar i l’autoacceptació. Estem orgullosos d’estar en una escola multilingüe!

Si voleu veure algunes fotografies de les representacions, cliqueu aquí o aquí.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

2nd Year

Last week we started a new unit about little wild beasts and we listened to a story called Timothy. In the story we learn about a centipede who grows and grows until he makes himself sick! The story is full of useful vocabulary and English structures that your children can use on a daily basis: numbers from 10 to 60, family relations, expressions like "What have you done?" or "I've been sick", quite close to our kids' reality.

Listen to the story on the CD as often as you can and encourage your child to use the language in the story as well as identify any bugs he/she comes across.

La setmana passada vam començar una unitat sobre les "petites bèsties" i vam escoltar un conte anomenat "Timothy". El conte ens explica com un centpeus creix i creix fins que acaba vomitant! La història està plena de vocabulari i estructures angleses que els vostres fills poden usar diariament: els nombres del 10 al 60, membres de la família, expressions com "Què has fet?" o "He vomitat", prou properes a la realitat dels nostres nens i nenes.

Escolteu la història al CD tan sovint com pugueu i animeu el vostre fill a fer servir el llenguatge del conte a més d'identificar qualsevol animaló que es trobi pel camí.

Monday, 9 April 2012

4th Year

Hello everybody!

Even though in the last weeks we’ve been working on the Simple Present tense, we cannot forget what we learnt about the Present Continuous tense, its forms and uses.

We’re aware that not forgetting is as important as learning; so, why don’t we have some extra practice with these on-line activities?

Hola a tothom!

Tot i que durant les darreres setmanes hem estat treballant en el temps verbal “Simple Present”, no podem oblidar el que ja vam aprendre del “Present Continuous”, les seves formes i els seus usos.

Som conscients que no oblidar és tan important com aprendre, així que per què no practiquem una mica amb aquestes activitats en línia?