Wednesday, 24 October 2012

4th Year

Hi everybody!

We’ve been working a lot for the last month, and it’s time we did our first test.

As the teacher said, as long as we’ve been paying attention in class, doing the homework properly and studying a little bit, we don’t have to panic.

This is what will be included in the exam:

1-      Vocabulary: Buildings in a city, town or village. Rooms in a house. Verbs related to the activities which take place in a home.

2-      Grammar: Descriptions (there is a…, there are some…; there isn’t a…, there aren’t any…; are there any…? - Yes, there are/No, there aren’t; is there a…? - Yes, there is/No, there isn’t)

3-      Phonics: /sh/ /ch/

Good luck!!!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

3rd Year

It’s time we made our timetable in English. First, we’ll draw the grid; then, we’ll write the days of the week from Monday to Friday in a row across the top of the timetable (we should remember that, in English, the first letters of the days of the week are always written in capital letters); next, we’ll write “morning” and “afternoon” on the left-hand side of the timetable; and, finally, we’ll write the school subjects in the correct position: Catalan, Spanish, English, Maths, Science, ICT, PE, Art, Music, etc. That’s easy, isn’t it?

És hora que fem el nostre horari en anglès. Primer, dibuixarem la graella; després, escriurem els dies de la setmana de dilluns a divendres a la fila superior de l’horari (hauríem de recordar que, en anglès, les lletres inicials dels dies de la setmana s’escriuen sempre en majúscules); a continuació, escriurem “morning” i “afternoon” a la banda esquerra de l’horari; i, finalment, col·locarem el nom de les assignatures a la posició correcta: Català, Castellà, Anglès, Matemàtiques, Medi, Informàtica, E.F., Plàstica, Música, etc. És fàcil, oi?

5th Year

Next week we've got a test, so today we've worked together in class to figure out what we've been learning for the last month. This is what we've come up with:

1. Vocabulary: Parts of the body. Verbs of movement. Prepositions of place. Frequency adverbs.

2. Grammar: Subject pronouns. Descriptions (have got). Comparatives. Can / can't.

3. Phonics: /ei/ /ou/

Good luck next week!!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

1st Year

We've started practising one of the three stories we will work on during this academic year: Little Witch. Your children are taking home a summary of all the stories in the series "Ready for a story" for you to consult. Keep this document at hand for future reference. You can ask your children about the story and listen to their hypothesis and any language they produce at this stage.

We are also working on a new song. Here's the link for you to practise it:

Hem començat a practicar un dels tres contes que treballarem aquest any acadèmic: Little Witch. Els vostres fills han portat a casa un resum de tots els contes de la sèrie "Ready for a story" perquè el consulteu. Tingueu aquest document a mà per poder-lo consultar en el futur. Demaneu als vostres fills que us comentin el conte i escolteu les seves hipòtesis i el llenguatge que produeixin en aquesta fase.

També estem treballant una nova cançó. A dalt teniu l'enllaç per poder-la practicar.

Friday, 12 October 2012

4th Year

Hi everybody!

Now that we are approaching Halloween and that we already know the names of the main rooms in a house, why don’t we get into the haunted house? Bob the dog has run off into it, and we should find out which room he is hiding in…
Hola a tothom!
Ara que Halloween ja s’apropa i que ja sabem els noms de les principals habitacions d’una llar, per què no entrem a la casa encantada? Bob el gos hi ha marxat corrents, i hauríem d’esbrinar en quina habitació s’amaga...

Friday, 5 October 2012

3rd and 4th Years

In our drama sessions, we are now working on these stories: “The secret playroom” (3rd Year) and “The tree house” (4th Year). We do enjoy rehearsing and acting them out, because, unlike in other classes, we have the chance to be active participants in the classroom. Besides, learning these entertaining stories helps us incorporate some important structures and words into our oral productions and written work.

How about telling our families all the stories that we will be learning throughout the year? That is a great idea!
Actualment, a les sessions de “drama”, estem treballant en aquestes històries: “The secret playroom” (3r) i “The tree house” (4t). Gaudim al màxim assajant i representant-les, ja que, a diferència d’altres classes, tenim l’oportunitat de participar activament a l’aula. A més, aprendre aquestes entretingudes històries ens ajuda a incorporar estructures i paraules importants a les nostres produccions orals i escrites.
I si expliquem a les nostres famílies totes les històries que anirem aprenent durant el curs? És una molt bona idea!

Thursday, 4 October 2012

1st Year

We have learnt a traditional song in class that has helped us acquire new vocabulary and improve our oral skills. Below you'll find one of the dozens of videos that feature this song. This version is longer than the one we do in class, with lots more vocabulary with parts of the body and actions. Watch it, sing it, dance to it!

Hem après una cançó tradicional a classe que ens ha ajudat a adquirir nou vocabulari i millorar l'anglès oral. Aquí sota trobareu un vídeo d'aquesta cançó, dels molts que hi ha a internet. Aquesta versió és més llarga que la que fem a classe, amb més vocabulari de les parts del cos i accions que podem fer. Mireu-lo, canteu i balleu!

On the right you will find a link to the Oxford Dictionary, where you will find the pronunciation of the words in the cards that your children have taken home. Practise them, as well as the dialogue we have learnt in class.

A la columna de la dreta hi ha un enllaç al Diccionari Oxford, on trobareu com es pronuncien les paraules de les cartes que han portat a casa els vostres fills. Practiqueu-les amb ells, així com el diàleg que hem après a classe.