Sunday, 30 March 2014

3rd Year

Hi everyone!

In our next Science sessions we'll be looking at the digestive system with the help of this tutorial. How about having a look at it when we get some free time?!

See you around!

Hola a tothom!

A les properes classes de Science, analitzarem el sistema digestiu amb l'ajut d'aquest tutorial. I si li fem una ullada quan tinguem una mica de temps lliure?!

Ens veiem!

Sunday, 23 March 2014

5th Year

Hey there everyone!

This coming week we'll be looking at Prehistory in our Science class. How about taking a look at this video (only at the Paleolithic and Neolithic sections) so that we can check our previous knowledge on the topic?

Hola a tothom!

Aquesta propera setmana dedicarem la classe de "Science" a la Prehistòria. Què tal si fem una ullada a aquest vídeo (només als apartats del Paleolític i el Neolític) a fi que puguem comprovar els nostres coneixements previs del tema?

Monday, 10 March 2014

3rd Year

Next Friday, March 21st, we’ll take our fourth exam.

What to study for the test

- Some examples of birds, fish, insects and mammals
- How to classify animals according to their habitat (pets, farm animals and wild animals)
- The main body parts of animals (e.g. “Bears have got fur, paws and a tail”/“Bears haven’t got wings, feathers, scales or fins”)
- How to describe the movement of different animals (e.g. “Sharks can swim”/“Rabbits can’t swim”, “Bees can fly”/“Pigs can’t fly”, “Monkeys can climb”/“Horses can’t climb”, “Tigers can run”/“Turtles can’t run”)
- The main characteristics of insects

All the activities in Unit 4 on the Multi-ROM can help us study for the exam.

Good luck!

Hmmm, and remember that on Tuesday and Thursday next week we'll be asked to answer (orally) some questions about anything we've been doing in our Science sessions during this second term. We can have our notebook with us, though making sure we're familiar with our notes before the test.

El proper divendres 21 de març farem el nostre quart examen de llengua anglesa.

Què cal estudiar per a l’examen

- Alguns exemples d’ocells, peixos, insectes i mamífers
- Com classificar els animals en funció del seu hàbitat (“pets”, “farm animals” i “wild animals”)
- Les principals parts del cos dels animals (e.g. “Bears have got fur, paws and a tail”/“Bears haven’t got wings, feathers, scales or fins”)
- Com descriure el moviment de diferents animals (e.g. “Sharks can swim”/“Rabbits can’t swim”, “Bees can fly”/“Pigs can’t fly”, “Monkeys can climb”/“Horses can’t climb”, “Tigers can run”/“Turtles can’t run”)
- Les principals característiques dels insectes

Totes les activitats de la unitat 4 del Multi-ROM poden ajudar-nos a estudiar per a l’examen.

Bona sort!

Hmmm, i recordem que el dimarts i el dijous de la setmana vinent haurem de respondre (oralment) algunes preguntes sobre el que hem estat aprenent a les sessions de "Science" durant aquest segon trimestre. Podem tenir la llibreta amb nosaltres, però ens hem d'assegurar que entenem i dominem els nostres apunts abans del control.

Friday, 7 March 2014

4th Year

Hello everybody!

Our next exam is scheduled on Friday, March 14, and this is what it will include:

1- Vocabulary: Basic food items. Perishable and non-perishable food. Finished dishes. Items of food that we get carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins and minerals from.

2- Grammar: There is a/an/some. There are some.

3- Phonics: /y/ /j/

Get to work, and good luck!

See you around!