Thursday, 29 May 2014

4th Year

Hi everybody!

Next Tuesday, June 3, the day before going on our English school camp..., we'll have our final test, and this is what it will include:

1- Vocabulary: Animal groups and their main features. The planets. Activities related to space travel.

2- Grammar: Comparative and superlative adjectives. The contracted forms of the verb to be in the present tense (I'm, you're, he's...). The "going to" future. The simple present tense (affirmative and negative sentences + questions and short answers).

Remember that the Multi-ROM is very useful to revise for the tests.

See you!

Hola a tothom!

El proper dimarts 3 de juny, just el dia abans de marxar de colònies..., farem el nostre examen final, i això és el que inclourà:

1- Vocabulari: Grups d'animals i els seus trets principals. Els planetes. Activitats relacionades amb els viatges espacials.

2- Gramàtica: Adjectius comparatius i superlatius. Les formes contractes del verb "to be" en present ("I'm", "you're", "he's"...). El futur "going to". El temps verbal "simple present" (frases afirmatives i negatives + preguntes i respostes curtes).

Recordem que el Multi-ROM és molt útil per repassar per als controls.

Ens veiem!

3rd Year

Hi there everyone!

Our final exam is scheduled on Tuesday, June 10, and this is what we should revise for it:

1- Vocabulary: Elements of a landscape. The weather. The parts of a plant. The growth cycle of a plant. Common materials. The months of the year. The ordinal numbers. Items that are often part of celebrations.

2- Grammar: There is a... / There isn't a... / There are some... / There aren't any...

As regards the Science test, remember that the last topic we've been looking at in class, the human skeleton, includes more content than the photocopy we have in our notebooks (we can be asked, for example, which is the longest bone in our body, what kind of bone the humerus is -long, short, flat or irregular-, etc.).

We can use the Multi-ROM to revise for the English test, right?

See you around!

Hola a tothom!

El nostre examen final està programat per al dimarts 10 de juny, i això és el que hauríem de repassar:

1- Vocabulari: Elements d'un paisatge. El temps. Les parts d'una planta. El cicle vital d'una planta. Materials comuns. Els mesos de l'any. Els nombres ordinals. Elements que habitualment són part d'una celebració.

2- Gramàtica: "There is a..." / "There isn't a..." / "There are some..." / "There aren't any..."

Quant al control de Science, recordem que l'últim tema que vam estar tractant a classe, l'esquelet humà, inclou molt més del que tenim a la llibreta (se'ns pot preguntar, per exemple, quin és l'os més llarg del cos, quin tipus d'os és l'húmer   -llarg, curt, pla o irregular-, etc.).

Podem fer servir el Multi-ROM per repassar per a l'examen d'anglès, oi?!

Ens veiem!

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

3rd Year

Hi there!

Since we'll soon be looking at the ordinal numbers in class, how about getting familiar with them and also improving our maths skills with this online game?

See your around!


Com que aviat treballarem en els nombres ordinals a classe, per què no comencem a familiaritzar-nos-hi i també millorem les nostres habilitats matemàtiques amb aquest joc en línia?

Ens veiem!

Saturday, 10 May 2014

3rd Year

Hey there everybody!

This coming week we'll be looking at the human skeleton and muscles, so if we could find some time to see this tutorial as a warm-up exercise, that would be great!

Hola a tothom!

Aquesta propera setmana treballarem en l'esquelet i els músculs humans, així que si poguéssim trobar una estoneta per veure aquest tutorial com a activitat introductòria, seria fantàstic!

Monday, 5 May 2014

3rd Year

Hi there everybody!

In our last Science session, we learned that plants, like animals, are made up of different parts, each of which has its own functions. How about going over what we did? Click here, then!

Hola a tothom!

A la nostra darrera classe de Science vam aprendre que les plantes, com els animals, estan formades per diferents parts, cadascuna de les quals té les seves pròpies funcions. I si repassem el que vam fer? Cliquem aquí, doncs!