Sunday, 30 January 2011

3rd Year

As we’ve been learning how to give instructions and rules for several sports, why don’t we think about a few rules for our English classes as well? Some of them could be, for instance: “Sit down!”, “Speak English!”, “Listen to the teacher!”, “Do your homework!”, “Be quiet!”, “Look at the teacher!”, “Open your book at page...!”, “Don’t shout!”, “Don’t interrupt!” and “Don’t copy!”.
Those of us who want to work a little bit at home could choose one of these rules, let the teacher know our choice and then write and illustrate our rule on a piece of cardboard. That way, the teacher could put all the rules up on the classroom wall.

Com que hem estat aprenent com donar instruccions i normes per a diversos esports, per què no pensem en algunes normes per a les nostres classes d’anglès també? Podrien ser, per exemple: “Seieu!”, “Parleu en anglès!”, “Escolteu la mestra!”, “Feu els deures!”, “Calleu!”, “Mireu la mestra!”, “Obriu el llibre a la pàgina...!”, “No crideu!”, “No interrompeu!” i “No copieu!”.
Aquells de nosaltres que vulguem treballar una miqueta a casa podríem escollir una d’aquestes normes, fer saber a la mestra la nostra elecció, i després escriure i il·lustrar la nostra norma en un tros de cartolina. D’aquesta manera, la mestra podria penjar-les a la paret de la classe.

Friday, 28 January 2011

2nd Year


In class we've discussed what things make plants grow and what things make humans grow. Ask your child about this and encourage an exchange of opinions. Ask them what words they've learnt. It's been fantastic to see how all the children had something to say, how they were argueing their point and ultimately THINKING! Well done, class!

Here you have a link to a fun activity to see how plants grow:



A la classe hem parlat de quines coses fan créixer les plantes i quines coses fan créixer els humans. Pregunteu al vostre fill de què ha parlat a classe d'anglès i animeu-lo a intercanviar opinions amb vosaltres. Demaneu-li quines paraules ha après. Ha estat fantàstic veure com tots els nens tenien alguna cosa a dir, com defensaven el seu argument i com PENSAVEN! Bona feina, classe!

Aquí teniu un enllaç a una activitat divertida per veure com creixen les plantes:


Thursday, 27 January 2011

5th Year

Test time again!

Next week we'll see if we've mastered a couple of new grammar structures and if we've acquired the vocabulary of unit 3. This is what we need to know:
  • Vocabulary of natural and artificial elements of the landscape
  • The present continuous in the singular and the plural (it is changing - they are changing), using different verbs in different context
  • The comparative: one, two and more than two syllable adjectives (-er, -ier, more)
  • Phonics: words that sound like "rice", and words that sound like "park"
In the test you will have to be able to identify and explain how landscapes are changing and you will have to compare them explaining what the differences are. Everything you need to know is in the books and the multi-rom.

Good luck!!

És l'hora de fer un altre examen!

La propera setmana veurem si dominem un parell d'estructures gramaticals noves i si hem adquirit el vocabulari de la unitat 3. Això és el que ens cal saber:
  • Vocabulari d'elements naturals i artificials del paisatge
  • El present continu en singular i plural (it is changing - they are changing), usant diferents verbs en contextos diferents
  • El comparatiu: adjectius d'una, dues o més síl·labes (-er, -ier, more)
  • Fonètica: paraules que sonen com "rice" i paraules que sonen com "park"
Al test haureu de ser capaços d'identificar i explicar com estan canviant els paisatges i els haureu de comparar explicant quines diferències hi ha. Tot el que us cal saber ho trobareu als llibres i al multirom.

Bona sort!

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

6th Year


At the moment we are studying the state of the matter. And we're doing it in English!

Here are a couple of links we will try in the computer room, but that we can use at home too.

The first one is this:

The second one is a little bit more difficult, but it is sooooooooooo interesting!!

Check them out to learn about the world around us in English while having fun!!

See you!

Monday, 24 January 2011

4th Year

Next Wednesday, February 2nd we’ll take our third exam.
What to study for the test
-          How to read big numbers
-          How to give and follow directions using the cardinal points
-          How to ask and answer questions using what, where, who and when
-          The Present Continuous Tense, which is used to describe actions that are happening at the time of speaking/writing (e.g. “They are arriving at the train station”, “They are sitting on the train”)
-          Words that begin with “th-“ and “w-“ (this, that, they, we, what, where…)
All the activities in Unit 3 on the Multi-ROM can help us study for the exam.
Good luck!

El proper dimecres 2 de febrer farem el nostre tercer examen de llengua anglesa.
Què cal estudiar per a l’examen
-          Com dir nombres grans (centenars i milers)
-          Com donar i seguir direccions utilitzant els punts cardinals
-          Com formular i respondre preguntes amb “what”, “where”, “who” i “when
-          El temps verbal “Present Continuous”, que s’utilitza per descriure accions que estan passant en el moment en què es parla/s’escriu (e.g. “They are arriving at the train station”, “They are sitting on the train”)
-          Paraules que comencen per “th-“ i “w-“ (“this”,” that”, “they”, “we”, “what”, “where”…)
Totes les activitats de la unitat 3 del Multi-ROM poden ajudar-nos a estudiar per a l’examen.
Bona sort!

Monday, 17 January 2011

4th Year

Since in Unit 3 we’re learning lots of things about getting around (maps, distances charts, compasses, cardinal points, etc.), it’d be a good idea to plan a trip. That’s why we can (optionally) do activities 1 to 6 on pages 13, 14 & 15 from the Project Booklet and show the teacher our passports and our tickets for all the stages of the trip. We’re sure we’ll have a lot of fun doing these tasks!
Com que a la unitat 3 estem aprenent moltes coses sobre com moure’ns pel món (mapes, taules de distàncies, brúixoles, punts cardinals, etc.),  seria una bona idea planificar un viatge. Per això podem fer (opcionalment) les activitats 1-6 de les pàgines 13, 14 & 15 del “Project Booklet” i mostrar a la mestra els passaports i els tiquets per a cada etapa del viatge. Estem segurs que ens divertirem molt fent aquestes tasques!

Thursday, 13 January 2011

6th Year


Next week we have an exam for Unit 3. These are the topics we should study:

Renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.
Verbs: should / shouldn't
Vocabulary of electrical appliances.
Phonics: gh / h
Adverbs of frequency: always, sometimes, never
The concept of "Recycle, Reduce, Reuse".

Class of 6th B

Monday, 10 January 2011

1st Year

We’re going to devote the first three English sessions of the term to music. We’ll listen to “The Typewriter” by Leroy Anderson, “The Flight of the Bumblebee” by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and “The Carnival of the Animals” by Camille Saint-Saëns.  Through these pieces of music, we’ll improve our speaking skills, since we’ll try to describe them and talk about our emotions and feelings while listening to them. Also, we’ll do our best to follow and understand our teacher’s explanations and questions about the pieces of music and their composers. And, above all that, we’ll become aware of the fact that we can learn other subjects in English without listening to or speaking in our mother tongue. It’s fantastic, isn’t it?
Dedicarem les tres primeres sessions d’anglès del trimestre a la música. Escoltarem “La màquina d’escriure” de Leroy Anderson, “El vol del borinot” de Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov i “El carnaval dels animals” de Camille Saint-Saëns. A través d’aquestes peces musicals, millorarem la nostra expressió oral, ja que intentarem descriure-les i parlar dels nostres sentiments i emocions mentre les escoltem. També farem els possibles per seguir i comprendre les explicacions i preguntes de la nostra mestra sobre les peces musicals i els seus compositors. I, per damunt de tot això, esdevindrem conscients del fet que podem aprendre altres àrees en anglès sense haver de parlar ni escoltar la nostra llengua materna. És fantàstic, oi?