Monday, 10 January 2011

1st Year

We’re going to devote the first three English sessions of the term to music. We’ll listen to “The Typewriter” by Leroy Anderson, “The Flight of the Bumblebee” by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and “The Carnival of the Animals” by Camille Saint-Saëns.  Through these pieces of music, we’ll improve our speaking skills, since we’ll try to describe them and talk about our emotions and feelings while listening to them. Also, we’ll do our best to follow and understand our teacher’s explanations and questions about the pieces of music and their composers. And, above all that, we’ll become aware of the fact that we can learn other subjects in English without listening to or speaking in our mother tongue. It’s fantastic, isn’t it?
Dedicarem les tres primeres sessions d’anglès del trimestre a la música. Escoltarem “La màquina d’escriure” de Leroy Anderson, “El vol del borinot” de Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov i “El carnaval dels animals” de Camille Saint-Saëns. A través d’aquestes peces musicals, millorarem la nostra expressió oral, ja que intentarem descriure-les i parlar dels nostres sentiments i emocions mentre les escoltem. També farem els possibles per seguir i comprendre les explicacions i preguntes de la nostra mestra sobre les peces musicals i els seus compositors. I, per damunt de tot això, esdevindrem conscients del fet que podem aprendre altres àrees en anglès sense haver de parlar ni escoltar la nostra llengua materna. És fantàstic, oi?

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