Thursday, 13 December 2012

2nd Year

Hi everybody!

This week we’ve been working on a new story: “Flo’s new autumn hat”. We’ve enjoyed listening to it several times and repeating its language while trying to understand it.

Now it’s time we listened to the story again at home (it’s on the Multi-ROM) and told it to our families in order to reinforce key vocabulary and phrases.

Hola a tothom!

Aquesta setmana hem estat treballant en una nova història: “Flo’s new autumn hat”. Hem gaudit escoltant-la diverses vegades i repetint-ne els diàlegs mentre intentàvem extreure’n el significat.

Ara és hora que l’escoltem de nou a casa (és al Multi-ROM) i l’expliquem a les nostres famílies a fi de consolidar-ne el vocabulari i les expressions clau.

1st Year

Dear Families,

This week your children are taking home the puppet theatre of The Little Witch story. It would be great if you could listen to them telling you the story in English, since this will encourage them to use this language naturally. Ask them questions and keep the theatre at home where the children can play with it over the Christmas holiday.

Aquesta setmana els vostres fill s'emporten a casa el teatre del conte The Little Witch. Estaria molt bé que escoltessiu com us expliquen la història en anglès, ja que això els animarà a fer servir aquesta llengua de forma natural. Feu-los preguntes i quedeu-vos el teatre a casa perquè els nens i nenes juguin amb ell durant les vacances de Nadal.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

4th Year

On December 3, we will have our second test. We hope that we will achieve the same good results that we had in our first test.

This is what will be included in the exam:

1- Vocabulary: Parts of the body. Verbs of movement.

2- Grammar: Subject pronouns. Possessive adjectives. Comparatives. Present continuous tense

We should remember that all the activities in Unit 2 on the Multi-ROM can help us study for the test.

Good luck! 

Thursday, 22 November 2012

2nd Year

Barely one month away from the Christmas celebrations at the school, we have began learning this year's Christmas carol so that we can put on a good performance before our winter break. Below you will find two youtube videos to help you practise. Have fun!

A només un mes de les celebracions de Nadal del col·legi, hem començat a estudiar la nadala d'enguany per poder-la cantar molt bé abans del descans hivernal. A sota trobareu dos vídeos que us ajudaran a practicar-la. Divertiu-vos!

3rd Year

Barely one month away from the Christmas celebrations at the school, we have began learning this year's Christmas carol so that we can put on a good performance before our winter break. Below you will find a youtube video to help you practise. Have fun!

4th Year

Barely one month away from the Christmas celebrations at the school, we have began learning this year's Christmas carol so that we can put on a good performance before our winter break. Below you will find a youtube video to help you practise. Have fun!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

1st Year

Barely one month away from the Christmas celebrations at the school, we have began learning this year's Christmas carol so that we can put on a good performance before our winter break. Below you will find a youtube video to help you practise. Have fun!

A només un mes de les celebracions de Nadal del col·legi hem començat a estudiar la nadala d'enguany per poder-la cantar molt bé abans del descans hivernal. A sota trobareu un video que us ajudarà a practicar-la. Divertiu-vos!

5th Year

Barely one month away from the Christmas celebrations at the school, we have began learning this year's Christmas carol so that we can put on a good performance before our winter break. Below you will find a youtube video to help you practise. Have fun!

6th Year

Barely one month away from the Christmas celebrations at the school, we have began learning this year's Christmas carol so that we can put on a good performance before our winter break. Below you will find a youtube video to help you practise. Have fun!

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

3rd Year

Hi everybody!

We have been working hard since the beginning of the school year, so it is high time we did our first test.

The exam is scheduled on Monday, November 19, and this is what it will include:

1-      Vocabulary: The days of the week. The main jobs in a school. The members of a family (and how to read and interpret information from a family tree).

2-      Grammar: Subject pronouns (he, she). Possessive adjectives (his, her). Possessive ‘s.

3-      Phonics: /sh/ /s/

Get to work, and good luck!

Sunday, 4 November 2012

2nd Year

On November 15 or 16, we’ll have our first test. It won’t be difficult as long as we’ve been paying attention and working hard in class.

This is what we should revise for the test:

1-      Vocabulary: Places in the school. Equipment/furniture that we can find in the school. Verbs related to the activities which take place at school. Prepositions (next to).

2-      Grammar: Descriptions (there is a… / there are + number…).

3-      Phonics: /i/ /a/

Good luck!!!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

4th Year

Hi everybody!

We’ve been working a lot for the last month, and it’s time we did our first test.

As the teacher said, as long as we’ve been paying attention in class, doing the homework properly and studying a little bit, we don’t have to panic.

This is what will be included in the exam:

1-      Vocabulary: Buildings in a city, town or village. Rooms in a house. Verbs related to the activities which take place in a home.

2-      Grammar: Descriptions (there is a…, there are some…; there isn’t a…, there aren’t any…; are there any…? - Yes, there are/No, there aren’t; is there a…? - Yes, there is/No, there isn’t)

3-      Phonics: /sh/ /ch/

Good luck!!!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

3rd Year

It’s time we made our timetable in English. First, we’ll draw the grid; then, we’ll write the days of the week from Monday to Friday in a row across the top of the timetable (we should remember that, in English, the first letters of the days of the week are always written in capital letters); next, we’ll write “morning” and “afternoon” on the left-hand side of the timetable; and, finally, we’ll write the school subjects in the correct position: Catalan, Spanish, English, Maths, Science, ICT, PE, Art, Music, etc. That’s easy, isn’t it?

És hora que fem el nostre horari en anglès. Primer, dibuixarem la graella; després, escriurem els dies de la setmana de dilluns a divendres a la fila superior de l’horari (hauríem de recordar que, en anglès, les lletres inicials dels dies de la setmana s’escriuen sempre en majúscules); a continuació, escriurem “morning” i “afternoon” a la banda esquerra de l’horari; i, finalment, col·locarem el nom de les assignatures a la posició correcta: Català, Castellà, Anglès, Matemàtiques, Medi, Informàtica, E.F., Plàstica, Música, etc. És fàcil, oi?

5th Year

Next week we've got a test, so today we've worked together in class to figure out what we've been learning for the last month. This is what we've come up with:

1. Vocabulary: Parts of the body. Verbs of movement. Prepositions of place. Frequency adverbs.

2. Grammar: Subject pronouns. Descriptions (have got). Comparatives. Can / can't.

3. Phonics: /ei/ /ou/

Good luck next week!!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

1st Year

We've started practising one of the three stories we will work on during this academic year: Little Witch. Your children are taking home a summary of all the stories in the series "Ready for a story" for you to consult. Keep this document at hand for future reference. You can ask your children about the story and listen to their hypothesis and any language they produce at this stage.

We are also working on a new song. Here's the link for you to practise it:

Hem començat a practicar un dels tres contes que treballarem aquest any acadèmic: Little Witch. Els vostres fills han portat a casa un resum de tots els contes de la sèrie "Ready for a story" perquè el consulteu. Tingueu aquest document a mà per poder-lo consultar en el futur. Demaneu als vostres fills que us comentin el conte i escolteu les seves hipòtesis i el llenguatge que produeixin en aquesta fase.

També estem treballant una nova cançó. A dalt teniu l'enllaç per poder-la practicar.

Friday, 12 October 2012

4th Year

Hi everybody!

Now that we are approaching Halloween and that we already know the names of the main rooms in a house, why don’t we get into the haunted house? Bob the dog has run off into it, and we should find out which room he is hiding in…
Hola a tothom!
Ara que Halloween ja s’apropa i que ja sabem els noms de les principals habitacions d’una llar, per què no entrem a la casa encantada? Bob el gos hi ha marxat corrents, i hauríem d’esbrinar en quina habitació s’amaga...

Friday, 5 October 2012

3rd and 4th Years

In our drama sessions, we are now working on these stories: “The secret playroom” (3rd Year) and “The tree house” (4th Year). We do enjoy rehearsing and acting them out, because, unlike in other classes, we have the chance to be active participants in the classroom. Besides, learning these entertaining stories helps us incorporate some important structures and words into our oral productions and written work.

How about telling our families all the stories that we will be learning throughout the year? That is a great idea!
Actualment, a les sessions de “drama”, estem treballant en aquestes històries: “The secret playroom” (3r) i “The tree house” (4t). Gaudim al màxim assajant i representant-les, ja que, a diferència d’altres classes, tenim l’oportunitat de participar activament a l’aula. A més, aprendre aquestes entretingudes històries ens ajuda a incorporar estructures i paraules importants a les nostres produccions orals i escrites.
I si expliquem a les nostres famílies totes les històries que anirem aprenent durant el curs? És una molt bona idea!

Thursday, 4 October 2012

1st Year

We have learnt a traditional song in class that has helped us acquire new vocabulary and improve our oral skills. Below you'll find one of the dozens of videos that feature this song. This version is longer than the one we do in class, with lots more vocabulary with parts of the body and actions. Watch it, sing it, dance to it!

Hem après una cançó tradicional a classe que ens ha ajudat a adquirir nou vocabulari i millorar l'anglès oral. Aquí sota trobareu un vídeo d'aquesta cançó, dels molts que hi ha a internet. Aquesta versió és més llarga que la que fem a classe, amb més vocabulari de les parts del cos i accions que podem fer. Mireu-lo, canteu i balleu!

On the right you will find a link to the Oxford Dictionary, where you will find the pronunciation of the words in the cards that your children have taken home. Practise them, as well as the dialogue we have learnt in class.

A la columna de la dreta hi ha un enllaç al Diccionari Oxford, on trobareu com es pronuncien les paraules de les cartes que han portat a casa els vostres fills. Practiqueu-les amb ells, així com el diàleg que hem après a classe.

Friday, 28 September 2012

2nd Year

It’s been only two weeks since we started year 2, and we’ve already learned some interesting things in our English classes. We know how to introduce ourselves (“I’m…", "I go to St. Bonaventura school", "I’m in year 2", "my English teacher is Eva"...) and how to describe some objects that we have for our daily use (e.g. “I’ve got a red crayon in my pencil case”).

It’s amazing how fast we can learn if we want to! We have to go on like that.

Tan sols fa dues setmanes que vam començar 2n, i ja hem après coses interessants a les classes d’anglès. Sabem com presentar-nos (“I’m…", "I go to St. Bonaventura school", "I’m in year 2", "my English teacher is Eva"...) i com descriure objectes que tenim per al nostre ús diari (p. ex. “I’ve got a red crayon in my pencil case”).
És sorprenent com de ràpid aprenem quan volem! Hem de continuar així.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

3rd and 4th Years

This year, both the third and fourth-year students at the school are doing “Coneixement del Medi” in English. Like last year, we have one session of an hour a week, but we will make the most of our time.

Since we are not going to use any books, we will often do online activities on our interactive whiteboard. These tasks are very dynamic, and we need to interact in English all the time.

Some of the topics we will be working on in year 4 are the solar system, the atmosphere and weather, ecosystems, rocks and minerals, energy, and health and diet.

We hope that this CLIL will help us be better both at Science and English.

Aquest curs, tant els alumnes de tercer com els de quart de l’escola estem fent Coneixement del Medi en anglès. Com l’any passat, tenim una sessió d’una hora a la setmana, però aprofitarem el temps al màxim.

Com que no utilitzarem cap llibre, sovint farem activitats en línia a la pissarra digital interactiva. Aquestes tasques són molt dinàmiques, i és necessari que interactuem constantment en anglès.

Alguns dels temes en els quals treballarem a 4t són el sistema solar, l’atmosfera i el temps, els ecosistemes, les roques i els minerals, l’energia, i la salut i la dieta.

Esperem que aquest AICLE ens ajudi a millorar tant en l’àrea de Coneixement del Medi com en la de Llengua anglesa.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

5th Year

Welcome to 5th Year! We are a year older and we have moved to the upper cycle: this means there are changes in many respects. For the next two years a lot will be expected of us, more responsibility, more work, more autonomy.
This year’s English will be more difficult than last year’s. Teachers and parents will help and guide, but children will have to become aware that it is they who are learning and that they will have to do it more and more independently. They will have to be able to identify the vocabulary and the grammar structures of each unit in order to study them, they will have to take responsibility of their homework (that should always be written down on the diary) and not expect others to tell them what to do. 

There will be plenty of chance to have fun while learning, though! Both in class and at home we will be doing interesting activities. Take special care of the Multi-Rom: this is a valuable tool that we have to learn to use to help us make our English better and better.

The blog will be here to give you a hand, but the learning takes place in class and at home, not in the blog!!

Best wishes to all of you! More to come in the following weeks!

Benvinguts a 5è! Som un any més grans i hem arribat al cicle superior: això significa que hi ha canvis en molts sentits. Durant els propers dos anys s’esperarà molt de nosaltres, més responsabilitat, més feina, més autonomia.

L’anglès d’aquest any serà més difícil que el de l’any passat. Les mestres i les famílies ens ajudaran i guiaran, però els nois i noies hauran de ser conscients que són ells els que estan aprenent i que ho hauran de fer de manera més independent cada vegada. Hauran de ser capaços d’identificar el vocabulari i la gramàtica de cada unitat per poder-los estudiar, hauran de fer-se responsables dels seus deures, que apuntarem sempre a l’agenda, i no esperar que els altres els diguin què han de fer.

Tindrem moltes oportunitats per passar-nos-ho bé mentre aprenem! Tant a la classe com a casa farem activitats interessants. Tingueu bona cura del Multi-rom: és una eina valuosa que hem d’aprendre a utilitzar per millorar el nostre anglès.

El bloc estarà aquí per fer-vos un cop de mà, però aprenem anglès a classe i a casa, no al bloc!

Que vagi tot molt bé! Més missatges durant les properes setmanes!

1st Year

Benvolgudes famílies,
Comencem una nova etapa on l’aprenentatge de l’anglès s’inclou al currículum estipulat per la Generalitat com a matèria obligatòria.
Durant el primer curs de primària els alumnes continuaran amb el mètode emprat a P5, basat en contes que els converteixen en protagonistes, aconseguint així una comunicació oral significativa i efectiva tant a l’hora d’escoltar com a l’hora de parlar.
Aquest mètode es complementarà amb altres tasques i activitats de manera que es compleixin els requisits establerts al currículum de la Generalitat. L’objectiu principal és que els alumnes siguin capaços de comunicar-se al context de la classe en anglès. Això ho assolirem mitjançant jocs, cançons, representacions, estudi d’altres matèries a través de l’anglès, etc.
Per comunicar-vos amb els mestres la via principal és l’agenda, però al bloc també hi trobareu informació, així que us aconsellem que us en feu seguidors per estar al dia del que passa a classe.
La millor manera d’ajudar els vostres fills amb l’anglès és mostrar interès i respondre a les peticions que us farem a través de l’agenda i el bloc.
Restem a la vostra disposició per contestar les vostres preguntes.
Fins aviat!

Friday, 8 June 2012

1st Year

This week we are taking the booklet "Pet Shop" home. We've listened to the story in class and we've practised reading it, but now we need to work on it at home. Next week there will be a written task to check our reading comprehension and we will also have to read the story aloud. Listen to the CD while reading the text to get familiar with the sounds and read the story aloud at home as often as possible.

Aquesta setmana portem el llibret "Pet Shop" a casa. Hem escoltat el conte a classe i n'hem practicat la lectura, però ara cal treballar-lo a casa. La propera setmana farem una prova escrita per comprovar la comprensió lectora i també haurem de llegir el conte en veu alta. Escolteu el CD mentre llegiu el text per familiaritzar-vos amb els sons i llegiu el conte en veu alta tan sovint com pugueu. 

Enjoy the story!

Monday, 4 June 2012

3rd Year

On Thursday we’ll have a brief recap on what we’ve been doing in our Science lessons throughout the third term; that means that our teacher will be asking us some questions about the two topics we’ve been looking at in class (public services and the five senses), so she recommends us reading and rereading our notes at home, or, at least, locating those pages in our notebooks on which we’ve been taking notes.

Good luck!

Dijous recapitularem el que hem estat fent a les sessions de “Science” durant el tercer trimestre; això vol dir que la mestra ens farà algunes preguntes sobre els dos temes que hem tractat a classe (els serveis públics i els cinc sentits), així que ens recomana llegir i rellegir els apunts a casa, o, com a mínim, localitzar les pàgines de la llibreta on hem fet les anotacions corresponents.

Bona sort!

Friday, 1 June 2012

1st Year

You may have heard your children sing a song about porridge... Well, that's the one you'll see them perform at the end-of-year celebration on the 22nd of June. The children know some parts of the song pretty well, but some others still need some practise. We've worked a lot in class, but we need to reinforce this task at home. Singing is a great way to improve pronunciation, comprehension and widen vocabulary at the same time we're having fun! This week they've taken the lyrics home: encourage them to sing the song.

Potser heu sentit als vostres fills cantar una cançó que deia alguna cosa d'un "porridge"... Bé, és la que interpretaran a la celebració de final de curs el dia 22 de juny. Els nens i nenes saben prou bé algunes parts de la cançó però algunes altres encara s'han de practicar força. A classe hem treballat molt, però cal reforçar aquesta tasca a casa. Cantar és una manera fantàstica de millorar la pronúncia, la comprensió i ampliar el vocabulari mentre ens ho passem d'allò més bé! Aquesta setmana han portat la lletra a casa: encoratgeu-los a cantar la cançó.

Monday, 28 May 2012

4th Year

Our next topic in class will be the solar system. We already know the names of the eight planets in Catalan and Spanish, but do we know them in English? And do we know their order from the Sun and any of their main characteristics? We don’t think so…

This is, then, a warm-up activity for us to do at home.

El proper tema que tractarem a classe és el sistema solar. És clar que ja sabem els noms dels vuit planetes en català i castellà, però els sabem en anglès? I sabem l’ordre que ocupen respecte al Sol i algunes de les seves principals característiques? Ens sembla que no...

Aquesta és, llavors, una activitat prèvia per fer a casa.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

2nd Year

As you already know, we are rehearsing for the end-of-year musical. This week-end we are taking the lyrics of our song home to practise the first two paragraphs. Boys and girls sing different lines, so they are different colours. We need to know the lyrics well and this only comes with a lot of practise. In our version of Summer Nights, the famous Grease song, there are a couple of slight differences in relation to the original song, so look out for them. In following weeks we will practise other paragraphs.

Summer Nights - Grease

Com ja sabeu estem assajant el musical de final de curs. Aquest cap de setmana portem la lletra de la nostra cançó a casa per practicar les dues primeres estrofes. Les noies i els nois canten versos diferents de manera que són també de diferents colors. Cal que aprenguem la lletra molt bé i això només s'aconsegueix amb molta pràctica. A la nostra versió de Summer Nights, la famosa cançó de Grease, hi ha un parell de diferències amb relació a la cançó original, així que cal estar atents. Durant les properes setmanes practicarem la resta de les estrofes.

Monday, 21 May 2012

3rd and 4th Years

In the school’s End of Year Festival, we are going to sing and perform a song, too. We have already started working on the pronunciation, and we have also checked the meaning of each word, but there is one thing that our teacher can’t do for us, which is memorizing the lyrics. As soon as we know them by heart, we will work more specifically on the music and the choreography.
Al festival de final de curs de l’escola, nosaltres també cantarem i representarem una cançó. Ja hem començat a treballar en la pronunciació, i també hem anat comprovant que sabíem el significat de cadascuna de les paraules, però hi ha una cosa que la nostra mestra no pot fer per nosaltres, que és memoritzar la lletra de les cançons. Tan aviat com les sapiguem de memòria, començarem a treballar més a fons en la música i la coreografia.

Monday, 14 May 2012

4th Year

In the last weeks, we’ve been working on the present simple tense. We’ve already had the oral test, and the results have been quite good. Nevertheless, we still should get some more practice… What about trying to complete these three texts about Maria, Carlos and Alejandro‘s weeks?

Durant les darreres setmanes, hem estat treballant en el temps verbal “present simple”. Ja hem fet el control oral, i els resultats han estat força bons. Tot i això, encara hauríem de practicar una mica més... I si intentem completar aquests tres texts sobre les setmanes de la Maria, el Carlos i l’Alejandro?

5th and 6th Years

We have already started practising the song we'll sing and dance to in our End of Year Festival. In the school's intranet you will find the lyrics: they have to be memorised. Soon we'll post the links to youtube karaoke versions so that we can work on the music too. This task is very important to train our memories and to practise the pronunciation.

Ja hem començat a practicar la cançó que cantarem i ballarem al festival de final de curs. A la intranet de l'escola hi trobareu les lletres: s'han de memoritzar. Aviat hi enviarem els enllaços de les versions karaoke de youtube per tal de poder treballar la música també. Aquestes tasques són molt importants per enfortir la memòria i practicar la pronunciació. 

Enjoy! Passeu-vos-ho bé!

1st Year

This week we are taking the booklet "Albertina" home. We've listened to the story in class and we've practised reading it, but now we need to work on it at home. Next week there will be a written task to check our reading comprehension and we will also have to read the story aloud. Listen to the CD while reading the text to get familiar with the sounds and read the story aloud at home as often as possible.

Aquesta setmana portem el llibret "Albertina" a casa. Hem escoltat el conte a classe i n'hem practicat la lectura, però ara cal treballar-lo a casa. La propera setmana farem una prova escrita per comprovar la comprensió lectora i també haurem de llegir el conte en veu alta. Escolteu el CD mentre llegiu el text per familiaritzar-vos amb els sons i llegiu el conte en veu alta tan sovint com pugueu. 

Enjoy the story!

Monday, 7 May 2012

4th Year

Next Wednesday, we, the fourth-year students, are going to La Ruca nature school, in the Bages region. This year, in some of the activities we’ll take part, the English language will be our means of communication: we’ll learn how to use a map and read a compass in an itinerary through the woods, we’ll get to know the different types of woods, plants and animals around us, we’ll pay attention to the relation between the vegetation in the area and the river that flows near the school, we’ll become ornithologists to study the native birds of the site, and, finally, through several games, we’ll learn how to live on our planet in a sustainable way.

After all that, who will feel like going back home?

Dimecres vinent, els alumnes de 4t farem cap a l’escola de natura La Ruca, a la comarca del Bages. Enguany, en algunes de les activitats que realitzarem, l’anglès serà la nostra llengua de comunicació: aprendrem com utilitzar un mapa i llegir una bruíxola en un itinerari pel bosc, coneixerem els tipus de boscos, plantes i animals que viuen al nostre entorn, ens fixarem en la relació que s’estableix entre la vegetació del nostre voltant i el riu que hi transcorre, ens convertirem en ornitòlegs per estudiar els ocells autòctons de la zona, i, finalment, a través de diversos jocs, aprendrem a habitar el nostre planeta de manera sostenible.

Després de tot això, qui tindrà ganes de tornar cap a casa?

Friday, 27 April 2012

3rd Year

Yesterday, we started working on our five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. We already know that they are controlled by the five sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin), which take in information from our environment and send it to our brain.

In the next three weeks, we’ll focus on the types of stimuli that each sense organ responds to, as well as on the way they work and how to care for them. We’re sure we’ll have fun while learning about the five senses!

Ahir vam començar a treballar en els cinc sentits: vista, oïda, olfacte, gust i tacte. Ja sabem que estan controlats pels cinc òrgans sensorials (ulls, orelles, nas, llengua i pell), que capten informació del nostre entorn i l’envien al cervell.
En les properes tres setmanes ens centrarem en les classes d’estímuls a què cada òrgan sensorial respon, així com en el seu funcionament i la manera com hem de tenir-ne cura. Estem segurs que ens divertirem molt mentre aprenem sobre els cinc sentits!

Friday, 20 April 2012

All Years

Today we've had the chance to see two theatre plays in English at the school chapel: “The Little Mermaid” and “Freaky”. They've been performed by native English-speaking professional actors and actresses who knew how to encourage us to participate and use the English language during the shows. Besides, these plays deal with some important issues such as bullying and self-acceptance. We are proud to be in a multilingual school!

If you want to see some photos of the performances, click here or here.

Avui hem tingut l’oportunitat de veure dues obres de teatre en anglès a la capella de l’escola: “The Little Mermaid” i “Freaky”. Han estat representades per actors i actrius professionals de parla anglesa que han sabut com encoratjar-nos a participar i utilitzar activament l’anglès durant els espectacles. A més, aquestes obres tracten alguns temes importants com l’assetjament escolar i l’autoacceptació. Estem orgullosos d’estar en una escola multilingüe!

Si voleu veure algunes fotografies de les representacions, cliqueu aquí o aquí.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

2nd Year

Last week we started a new unit about little wild beasts and we listened to a story called Timothy. In the story we learn about a centipede who grows and grows until he makes himself sick! The story is full of useful vocabulary and English structures that your children can use on a daily basis: numbers from 10 to 60, family relations, expressions like "What have you done?" or "I've been sick", quite close to our kids' reality.

Listen to the story on the CD as often as you can and encourage your child to use the language in the story as well as identify any bugs he/she comes across.

La setmana passada vam començar una unitat sobre les "petites bèsties" i vam escoltar un conte anomenat "Timothy". El conte ens explica com un centpeus creix i creix fins que acaba vomitant! La història està plena de vocabulari i estructures angleses que els vostres fills poden usar diariament: els nombres del 10 al 60, membres de la família, expressions com "Què has fet?" o "He vomitat", prou properes a la realitat dels nostres nens i nenes.

Escolteu la història al CD tan sovint com pugueu i animeu el vostre fill a fer servir el llenguatge del conte a més d'identificar qualsevol animaló que es trobi pel camí.

Monday, 9 April 2012

4th Year

Hello everybody!

Even though in the last weeks we’ve been working on the Simple Present tense, we cannot forget what we learnt about the Present Continuous tense, its forms and uses.

We’re aware that not forgetting is as important as learning; so, why don’t we have some extra practice with these on-line activities?

Hola a tothom!

Tot i que durant les darreres setmanes hem estat treballant en el temps verbal “Simple Present”, no podem oblidar el que ja vam aprendre del “Present Continuous”, les seves formes i els seus usos.

Som conscients que no oblidar és tan important com aprendre, així que per què no practiquem una mica amb aquestes activitats en línia?

Thursday, 29 March 2012

5th Year


Exceptionally (due to today's strike) I have emailed the Easter homework to all of 5th Year students via our intranet. Please check your mail if you have not attended classes on the 29th of March. Thank you and Happy Easter!

Excepcionalment (degut a la vaga d'avui) he enviat per correu electrònic els deures de Setmana Santa a tots els estudiants de 5è a travès de la intranet. Si us plau comproveu el vostre correu si no heu assistit a classes el 29 de març. Gràcies i Bona Pasqua!

1st Year

We have been preparing the booklet "Morning and Night" in class and now we are taking it home to show it to our family and practise reading it. The story is in the CD: we need to listen to it as often as possible as we read the booklet. It is a good oportunity to talk about sleeping habits! Ask your children questions about the animals in the story, the greetings and encourage them to use some of the story's sentences in their every day life. When we come back from the holiday we have to bring the booklet to school, since our teachers will continue to work with it.

Hem estat preparant el llibret "Morning and Night" a classe i ara el portem a casa per ensenyar-lo a la família i practicar la lectura. El conte està al CD: cal que l'escoltem mentre llegim tantes vegades com sigui possible. És una bona oportunitat per parlar dels hàbits de son! Pregunteu als vostres fills sobre els animals del conte, les salutacions i encoratgeu-los que facin servir algunes de les frases de la història al seu dia a dia. Quan tornem de les vacances hem de portar el llibret a l'escola perquè les mestres continuaran treballant-hi.


Monday, 26 March 2012

All Years

Hi everybody!

In the UK, Easter is also one of the major Christian festivals of the year. Not only is Easter the end of the winter, it is also the end of Lent and Jesus Christ’s victory over death, and thus a time of joy and celebration.

Over Easter, English schools close for two weeks, just enough time to digest all the chocolate eggs. Unfortunately, we’ll only have one week off, but we’ll make the most of it, won’t we?

Happy Easter!

Hola a tothom!

Al Regne Unit, Pasqua és també una de les principals celebracions cristianes de l’any. No tan sols significa la fi de l’hivern, sinó també l’acabament de la Quaresma i la victòria de Jesucrist sobre la mort; és, per tant, temps de joia i celebració.

Per Pasqua, les escoles angleses tanquen durant dues setmanes, el temps suficient per poder digerir tots els ous de xocolata. Malauradament, nosaltres només tindrem una setmana de descans, però l’aprofitarem al màxim, oi?

Bona Pasqua!

Monday, 19 March 2012

3rd Year

On Thursday we’ll have a brief recap on what we’ve been doing in our Science lessons throughout the second term; that means that our teacher will be asking us lots of questions about the topics we’ve been looking at in class, so she recommends us reading and rereading our notes at home, or, at least, locating those pages in our notebooks on which we’ve been taking notes.

These are the topics that we’ll be asked to talk about:
- The economic sectors
- The parts of a plant
- What plants need to grow
- The parts of a flower & plant reproduction
- The difference between a city, a town and a village
- The main places in a town
Good luck!

Dijous recapitularem el que hem estat fent a les sessions de “Science” durant el segon trimestre; això vol dir que la mestra ens farà moltes preguntes sobre els diversos temes que hem anat tractant, així que ens recomana llegir i rellegir els apunts a casa, o, com a mínim, localitzar les pàgines de la llibreta on hem fet les anotacions corresponents.
Aquests són els temes dels quals se’ns demanarà de parlar:
- Els sectors econòmics
- Les parts d’una planta
- Allò que les plantes necessiten per créixer
- Les parts d’una flor & reproducció d’una planta amb flor
- La diferència entre una ciutat, una vila i un poble
- Els principals llocs d’una ciutat
Bona sort!

Monday, 12 March 2012

4th Year

Next Monday, March 19th (4th A), or Tuesday, March 20th (4th B), we’ll take our fourth exam.

What to study for the test:
- Some basic food items and finished dishes
- The difference between perishable and non-perishable food
- The main items of food that we get proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins and minerals from
- The use of a/an for singular countable nouns (an apple, a sandwich, a yogurt…), and some for plural countable nouns (some apples, some sandwiches, some yogurts…) and uncountable nouns (some rice, some milk, some bread…)
- Words that begin with “y-“ and “j-“ (jumper, jam, jar, jug, yogurt, yellow, young…)

All the activities in Unit 4 on the Multi-ROM can help us study for the exam.

Good luck!

El proper dilluns 19 de març (4t A) o dimarts 20 de març (4t B), farem el nostre quart examen de llengua anglesa.

Què cal estudiar per a l’examen:
- Noms d’aliments bàsics i plats acabats
- La diferència entre queviures peribles i no peribles
- Els principals aliments dels quals obtenim proteïnes, glúcids, i vitamines i minerals
- L’ús d’”a”/”an” per a noms comptables singulars (“an apple”, “a sandwich”, “a yogurt”…), i “some” per a noms comptables plurals (“some apples”, “some sandwiches”, “some yogurts”…) i noms incomptables (“some rice”, “some milk”, “some bread”…)
- Paraules que comencen per “y-“ i “j-“ (“jumper”, ”jam”, “jar”, “jug”, “yogurt”, “yellow”, “young”…)

Totes les activitats de la unitat 4 del Multi-ROM poden ajudar-nos a estudiar per a l’examen.

Bona sort!

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

3rd and 4th Years

These days we’re working on two different stories:
- The green dragon
- Speak up!
We’ve been listening to them in class, trying to understand them without too much help, repeating the dialogues, and also singing the chants and playing the games related to them.
Now it’s time to tell these stories to our families. In English, of course!

Aquests dies estem treballant en dues històries diferents:
- “The green dragon”
- “Speak up!”
Hem estat escoltant-les a classe, procurant entendre-les sense massa ajuda, repetint els diàlegs, i també cantant les cançons i fent els jocs corresponents.
Ara és hora d’explicar aquestes històries a les nostres famílies. En anglès, és clar!

Friday, 24 February 2012

2nd Year

If we had to draw a picture of our English class, what would we draw? How would we know it's an English Class?

If your child hasn't had the time to finish this task in class, she has to finish it at home for next week.

Thank you!!

Si haguéssim de dibuixar la classe d'anglès, què dibuixaríem? Com sabríem que és una classe d'anglès?

Si el vostre fill no ha acabat aquesta tasca a l'escola, ha d'acabar-la per a la propera classe.


Thursday, 23 February 2012

4th Year

Tomorrow we’re bringing a recipe to class which we ourselves have been thinking about and writing carefully at home. We still don’t know whether we’ve been successful or not at creating our recipes properly, but what we can tell you is that we’ve learnt a lot of things so far:
- How to classify the food according to how we measure it and whether it is countable or not
- How to calculate and express different quantities of ingredients depending on the recipe and the number of people who are going to eat
- Several cooking actions
- How to create a sequence of steps to write a recipe

Demà durem a classe la recepta que nosaltres mateixos hem estat pensant i escrivint acuradament a casa. Encara no sabem si ens n’hem sortit, però el que sí podem dir-vos és que, fins ara, hem après moltíssimes coses:
- Com classificar els aliments en funció de com els mesurem i de si són comptables o incomptables.
- Com calcular i expressar diferents quantitats d’ingredients en funció de la recepta i del nombre de comensals
- Diverses accions relacionades amb la cuina
- Com crear una seqüència de passos a fi d’escriure una recepta

Friday, 17 February 2012

3rd Year

Today, we’ve been invited to a fashion show by the 1st ESO students at our school. Well, actually they themselves have organized the event, and we’ve been absolutely delighted on it. The designer, the models, the presenter, the photographers, the security guards and everyone else who was involved in the show looked as if they were professional… and also native English speakers! Amazing!

We just want to say a big THANK YOU to them. We really appreciate all of their hard work and effort.

Avui hem estat convidats a una desfilada de moda pels alumnes de 1r d’ESO de la nostra escola. Bé, de fet, ells mateixos han organitzat l’acte, i nosaltres n’hem quedat absolutament encantats. El dissenyador, els models, el presentador, els fotògrafs, els guardes de seguretat i tots els altres que participaven en l’esdeveniment semblaven professionals... i també parlants nadius anglesos! Impressionant!

Tan sols volem dir-los: GRÀCIES! Apreciem de tot cor la feina i l’esforç que han fet.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

6th Year

In unit 4 we are studying the state of matter: it's a fascinating subject. Follow this link to learn more about it and to play an interesting scientfic game... in English. It's amazing all the tings we can do in this language already!!

A la unitat 4 estem estudiant l'estat de la matèria: és un tema fascinant! Seguiu l'enllaç de dalt per saber-ne més i per jugar a un interessant joc científic... en anglès. És emocionant adonar-se de totes les coses que ja podem fer en aquesta llengua!!

2nd Year

For a long time we've been studying the days of the week and the numbers in different contexts. This week we have taken a handout home to practise a little bit more and show parents how well we know this vocabulary. We are also going to draw something we do on our favourite day of the week.

Ja fa molt que estudiem els dies de la setmana i els nombres en diferents contexts. Aquesta setmana hem portat a casa una fitxa per practicar una mica més i ensenyar als pares què bé que sabem aquest vocabulari. També dibuixarem alguna cosa que fem el nostre dia preferit de la setmana.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

4th Year

Next Monday, February 13th (4th A), or Tuesday, February 14th (4th B), we’ll take our third exam.

What to study for the test
- How to read big numbers
- How to give and follow directions using the cardinal points
- How to ask and answer questions using what, where, who and when
- The Present Continuous Tense, which is used to describe actions that are happening at the time of speaking/writing (e.g. “They are arriving at the train station”, “They are sitting on the train”)
- Words that begin with “th-“ and “w-“ (this, that, they, we, what, where…)

All the activities in Unit 3 on the Multi-ROM can help us study for the exam.

Good luck!

El proper dilluns 13 de febrer (4t A) o dimarts 14 de febrer (4t B), farem el nostre tercer examen de llengua anglesa.

Què cal estudiar per a l’examen
- Com dir nombres grans (centenars i milers)
- Com donar i seguir direccions utilitzant els punts cardinals
- Com formular i respondre preguntes amb “what”, “where”, “who” i “when”
- El temps verbal “Present Continuous”, que s’utilitza per descriure accions que estan passant en el moment en què es parla/s’escriu (e.g. “They are arriving at the train station”, “They are sitting on the train”)
- Paraules que comencen per “th-“ i “w-“ (“this”,” that”, “they”, “we”, “what”, “where”…)

Totes les activitats de la unitat 3 del Multi-ROM poden ajudar-nos a estudiar per a l’examen.

Bona sort!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

2nd Year

Hello again!

At the moment we are working on a story that is helping us think about what we need to grow up, but also what plants need to grow up. We've learnt the parts of a plant and we've learnt to express our feelings. We are practising our pronunciation with a song and a rhyme. We are learning to express our opinion on the class. And we are revising the days of the week and the numbers, up to 20, but there is no reason not to go beyond. So, we are working hard!

This week your children will take a story home to read it to you. Please listen to them, and to the CD, take the time to sit with your children and congratulate them on their efforts.

Hola de nou!

En aquests moments estem treballant un conte que ens ajuda a pensar què ens cal per créixer, però també que els cal a les plantes. Hem après les parts d'una planta i hem après a expressar els nostres sentiments. Estem practicant la pronúncia amb una cançó i una rima. Estem aprenent a expressar la nostra opinió sobre la classe. I estem repassant els dies de la setmana i els nombres fins el 20, però no hi ha cap raó per no anar més enllà. Així doncs, treballem dur!

Aquesta setmana els nens i nenes duran el conte a casa per llegir-vos-el. Si us plau, escolteu-los a ell i el CD, aprofiteu per seure amb els vostres fills i felicitar-los per l'esforç que estan fent.

1st Year

Dear families,

Over the last two weeks we've been working on a very "useful" story: it is called Ice cream and it's about a boy who keeps asking for ice cream everywhere he goes. With this story your child will be able to ask for anything in English, so encourage him/her to do it at home too.

Soon, he will take the booklet home to show it and read it to you. You can listen to the text on the CD and help out with the reading and pronunciation.

We are also working on a popular song in order to train our ears and our mouths to imitate English sounds. Here's a link to The Bear Went Over The Mountain:

Have fun singing it!

Finally, we have been learning to say "Go to the...", which will be useful for you, parents. Here is a list of places we've studied: park, restaurant, supermarket, bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen. So now you can send your child at least to some of these places!

Benvolgudes famílies,

Les dues darreres setmanes hem treballat un conte molt "útil": es diu Ice cream i parla d'un noi que demana un gelat arreu on va. Amb aquesta història els vostres fills podran demanar qualsevol cosa en anglès, així que encoratgeu-los a fer-ho a casa també.

Aviat portaran el llibret a casa per ensenyar-vos-el i llegir-vos-el. Podeu escoltar el text al CD i ajudar-los amb la lectura i pronúncia.

També estem treballant una caçó popular per tal d'acostumar l'oïda i la veu a imitar els sons anglesos. Aquí teniu un enllaç a The Bear Went Over the Montain:

Passeu-vos-ho bé cantant-la!

Finalment, hem après a dir "Vés a ...", cosa que serà útil per a vosaltres, pares. Aquí teniu un llistat dels llocs que hem estudiat: park, restaurant, supermarket, bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen. Ara ja podeu enviar al vostre fill com a mínim a algun d'aquests llocs!

Thursday, 26 January 2012

4th Year

In the last two weeks, we’ve been working on the present continuous tense. We use this verb form to indicate that an action or a situation is happening  now, at the moment of speaking; and we make this tense with the correct form of the verb to be (am/is/are) and the “ing” form of the main verb. We know all that, but… how about practising the present continuous tense a bit more? Let’s click here, then.

Cheer up!

Durant les darreres dues setmanes, hem estat treballant en la forma verbal “present continuous”. Utilitzem aquest temps verbal per indicar que una acció o situació està passant ara, en el moment en què parlem; i el construïm amb la forma correcta del verb “to be” (“am”/”is”/”are”) i el verb principal acabat en “ing”. Sabem tot això, però... i si practiquem el “present continuous” una mica més? Cliquem aquí, llavors.


Saturday, 21 January 2012

3rd Year

Day by day, we’re becoming more and more expert at plants. We already know what they need to grow, as well as their main parts and the functions of each one of them. It’ll be interesting to have a look at these web pages in order to review what we’ve learned up to this moment:

Cada dia som més experts en plantes. Ja sabem què necessiten per créixer, així com les seves principals parts i les funcions de cadascuna d’elles. Serà interessant fer una ullada a aquestes pàgines web per tal de revisar el que hem après fins ara: