Thursday, 2 February 2012

1st Year

Dear families,

Over the last two weeks we've been working on a very "useful" story: it is called Ice cream and it's about a boy who keeps asking for ice cream everywhere he goes. With this story your child will be able to ask for anything in English, so encourage him/her to do it at home too.

Soon, he will take the booklet home to show it and read it to you. You can listen to the text on the CD and help out with the reading and pronunciation.

We are also working on a popular song in order to train our ears and our mouths to imitate English sounds. Here's a link to The Bear Went Over The Mountain:

Have fun singing it!

Finally, we have been learning to say "Go to the...", which will be useful for you, parents. Here is a list of places we've studied: park, restaurant, supermarket, bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen. So now you can send your child at least to some of these places!

Benvolgudes famílies,

Les dues darreres setmanes hem treballat un conte molt "útil": es diu Ice cream i parla d'un noi que demana un gelat arreu on va. Amb aquesta història els vostres fills podran demanar qualsevol cosa en anglès, així que encoratgeu-los a fer-ho a casa també.

Aviat portaran el llibret a casa per ensenyar-vos-el i llegir-vos-el. Podeu escoltar el text al CD i ajudar-los amb la lectura i pronúncia.

També estem treballant una caçó popular per tal d'acostumar l'oïda i la veu a imitar els sons anglesos. Aquí teniu un enllaç a The Bear Went Over the Montain:

Passeu-vos-ho bé cantant-la!

Finalment, hem après a dir "Vés a ...", cosa que serà útil per a vosaltres, pares. Aquí teniu un llistat dels llocs que hem estudiat: park, restaurant, supermarket, bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen. Ara ja podeu enviar al vostre fill com a mínim a algun d'aquests llocs!

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