Tuesday, 28 February 2012

3rd and 4th Years

These days we’re working on two different stories:
- The green dragon
- Speak up!
We’ve been listening to them in class, trying to understand them without too much help, repeating the dialogues, and also singing the chants and playing the games related to them.
Now it’s time to tell these stories to our families. In English, of course!

Aquests dies estem treballant en dues històries diferents:
- “The green dragon”
- “Speak up!”
Hem estat escoltant-les a classe, procurant entendre-les sense massa ajuda, repetint els diàlegs, i també cantant les cançons i fent els jocs corresponents.
Ara és hora d’explicar aquestes històries a les nostres famílies. En anglès, és clar!

Friday, 24 February 2012

2nd Year

If we had to draw a picture of our English class, what would we draw? How would we know it's an English Class?

If your child hasn't had the time to finish this task in class, she has to finish it at home for next week.

Thank you!!

Si haguéssim de dibuixar la classe d'anglès, què dibuixaríem? Com sabríem que és una classe d'anglès?

Si el vostre fill no ha acabat aquesta tasca a l'escola, ha d'acabar-la per a la propera classe.


Thursday, 23 February 2012

4th Year

Tomorrow we’re bringing a recipe to class which we ourselves have been thinking about and writing carefully at home. We still don’t know whether we’ve been successful or not at creating our recipes properly, but what we can tell you is that we’ve learnt a lot of things so far:
- How to classify the food according to how we measure it and whether it is countable or not
- How to calculate and express different quantities of ingredients depending on the recipe and the number of people who are going to eat
- Several cooking actions
- How to create a sequence of steps to write a recipe

Demà durem a classe la recepta que nosaltres mateixos hem estat pensant i escrivint acuradament a casa. Encara no sabem si ens n’hem sortit, però el que sí podem dir-vos és que, fins ara, hem après moltíssimes coses:
- Com classificar els aliments en funció de com els mesurem i de si són comptables o incomptables.
- Com calcular i expressar diferents quantitats d’ingredients en funció de la recepta i del nombre de comensals
- Diverses accions relacionades amb la cuina
- Com crear una seqüència de passos a fi d’escriure una recepta

Friday, 17 February 2012

3rd Year

Today, we’ve been invited to a fashion show by the 1st ESO students at our school. Well, actually they themselves have organized the event, and we’ve been absolutely delighted on it. The designer, the models, the presenter, the photographers, the security guards and everyone else who was involved in the show looked as if they were professional… and also native English speakers! Amazing!

We just want to say a big THANK YOU to them. We really appreciate all of their hard work and effort.

Avui hem estat convidats a una desfilada de moda pels alumnes de 1r d’ESO de la nostra escola. Bé, de fet, ells mateixos han organitzat l’acte, i nosaltres n’hem quedat absolutament encantats. El dissenyador, els models, el presentador, els fotògrafs, els guardes de seguretat i tots els altres que participaven en l’esdeveniment semblaven professionals... i també parlants nadius anglesos! Impressionant!

Tan sols volem dir-los: GRÀCIES! Apreciem de tot cor la feina i l’esforç que han fet.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

6th Year

In unit 4 we are studying the state of matter: it's a fascinating subject. Follow this link to learn more about it and to play an interesting scientfic game... in English. It's amazing all the tings we can do in this language already!!


A la unitat 4 estem estudiant l'estat de la matèria: és un tema fascinant! Seguiu l'enllaç de dalt per saber-ne més i per jugar a un interessant joc científic... en anglès. És emocionant adonar-se de totes les coses que ja podem fer en aquesta llengua!!

2nd Year

For a long time we've been studying the days of the week and the numbers in different contexts. This week we have taken a handout home to practise a little bit more and show parents how well we know this vocabulary. We are also going to draw something we do on our favourite day of the week.

Ja fa molt que estudiem els dies de la setmana i els nombres en diferents contexts. Aquesta setmana hem portat a casa una fitxa per practicar una mica més i ensenyar als pares què bé que sabem aquest vocabulari. També dibuixarem alguna cosa que fem el nostre dia preferit de la setmana.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

4th Year

Next Monday, February 13th (4th A), or Tuesday, February 14th (4th B), we’ll take our third exam.

What to study for the test
- How to read big numbers
- How to give and follow directions using the cardinal points
- How to ask and answer questions using what, where, who and when
- The Present Continuous Tense, which is used to describe actions that are happening at the time of speaking/writing (e.g. “They are arriving at the train station”, “They are sitting on the train”)
- Words that begin with “th-“ and “w-“ (this, that, they, we, what, where…)

All the activities in Unit 3 on the Multi-ROM can help us study for the exam.

Good luck!

El proper dilluns 13 de febrer (4t A) o dimarts 14 de febrer (4t B), farem el nostre tercer examen de llengua anglesa.

Què cal estudiar per a l’examen
- Com dir nombres grans (centenars i milers)
- Com donar i seguir direccions utilitzant els punts cardinals
- Com formular i respondre preguntes amb “what”, “where”, “who” i “when”
- El temps verbal “Present Continuous”, que s’utilitza per descriure accions que estan passant en el moment en què es parla/s’escriu (e.g. “They are arriving at the train station”, “They are sitting on the train”)
- Paraules que comencen per “th-“ i “w-“ (“this”,” that”, “they”, “we”, “what”, “where”…)

Totes les activitats de la unitat 3 del Multi-ROM poden ajudar-nos a estudiar per a l’examen.

Bona sort!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

2nd Year

Hello again!

At the moment we are working on a story that is helping us think about what we need to grow up, but also what plants need to grow up. We've learnt the parts of a plant and we've learnt to express our feelings. We are practising our pronunciation with a song and a rhyme. We are learning to express our opinion on the class. And we are revising the days of the week and the numbers, up to 20, but there is no reason not to go beyond. So, we are working hard!

This week your children will take a story home to read it to you. Please listen to them, and to the CD, take the time to sit with your children and congratulate them on their efforts.

Hola de nou!

En aquests moments estem treballant un conte que ens ajuda a pensar què ens cal per créixer, però també que els cal a les plantes. Hem après les parts d'una planta i hem après a expressar els nostres sentiments. Estem practicant la pronúncia amb una cançó i una rima. Estem aprenent a expressar la nostra opinió sobre la classe. I estem repassant els dies de la setmana i els nombres fins el 20, però no hi ha cap raó per no anar més enllà. Així doncs, treballem dur!

Aquesta setmana els nens i nenes duran el conte a casa per llegir-vos-el. Si us plau, escolteu-los a ell i el CD, aprofiteu per seure amb els vostres fills i felicitar-los per l'esforç que estan fent.

1st Year

Dear families,

Over the last two weeks we've been working on a very "useful" story: it is called Ice cream and it's about a boy who keeps asking for ice cream everywhere he goes. With this story your child will be able to ask for anything in English, so encourage him/her to do it at home too.

Soon, he will take the booklet home to show it and read it to you. You can listen to the text on the CD and help out with the reading and pronunciation.

We are also working on a popular song in order to train our ears and our mouths to imitate English sounds. Here's a link to The Bear Went Over The Mountain:


Have fun singing it!

Finally, we have been learning to say "Go to the...", which will be useful for you, parents. Here is a list of places we've studied: park, restaurant, supermarket, bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen. So now you can send your child at least to some of these places!

Benvolgudes famílies,

Les dues darreres setmanes hem treballat un conte molt "útil": es diu Ice cream i parla d'un noi que demana un gelat arreu on va. Amb aquesta història els vostres fills podran demanar qualsevol cosa en anglès, així que encoratgeu-los a fer-ho a casa també.

Aviat portaran el llibret a casa per ensenyar-vos-el i llegir-vos-el. Podeu escoltar el text al CD i ajudar-los amb la lectura i pronúncia.

També estem treballant una caçó popular per tal d'acostumar l'oïda i la veu a imitar els sons anglesos. Aquí teniu un enllaç a The Bear Went Over the Montain:


Passeu-vos-ho bé cantant-la!

Finalment, hem après a dir "Vés a ...", cosa que serà útil per a vosaltres, pares. Aquí teniu un llistat dels llocs que hem estudiat: park, restaurant, supermarket, bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen. Ara ja podeu enviar al vostre fill com a mínim a algun d'aquests llocs!