My name is Alana and I have just arrived in Catalunya from Ireland. This year I will be working as a conversation assistant in the school. I am very excited to help the children practice their English and to share my culture with them. The school community have been so welcoming since my arrival and I feel very comfortable here. I am so grateful to everyone for their hospitality. I hope that this year will be enjoyable for us all! I look forward to learning more about your culture and getting to know you all.
This picture was taken after my arrival in the airport last Saturday (I´m on the left and I´m sure you recognise Eva on the right!).
Hola a tothom!
Sóc l'Alana i acabo d'arribar a Catalunya des d'Irlanda. Aquest curs treballaré com a auxiliar de conversa a l'escola. Estic molt il·lusionada per ajudar els nens i nenes a practicar el seu anglès i compartir amb ells la meva cultura. La comunitat escolar m'ha acollit molt bé des que vaig arribar, i em sento molt a gust aquí. Estic molt agraïda a tothom per la seva hospitalitat. Espero que tots plegats puguem gaudir d'aquest curs. Tinc ganes d'aprendre més sobre la vostra cultura i coneixe-us a tots.
Aquesta foto va ser feta després de la meva arribada a l'aeroport dissabte passat (jo sóc la de l'esquerra, i suposo que reconeixeu l'Eva a la dreta!).
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