Hi everybody!
In the coming week, we'll have our end-of-the-term tests. There's no need to worry about them as we've been working quite hard in class, so it's just a matter of reviewing this term's work.
As regards the English test, this is what we should have a look at:
1- Vocabulary: Sense verbs (see, hear, smell...). The five organs of perception (eyes, ears, nose...). Adjectives of quality (soft, hard, wet...).
2- Grammar: Can/can't. Description of objects (e.g. "Ice cream is soft and cold").
3- Phonics: /ch/ /c/
The Multi-ROM is also very useful to review for the test!
Regarding the Science test, we've been dealing with three different topics during the term: family trees, Irish celebrations (Halloween, St. Patrick's Day and Christmas) and means of transport (we spent a whole hour discussing which ones are the most eco-friendly!).
In the test, we'll be asked to answer orally four questions about these topics. We'll be allowed to have our notebook with us, so, before the exam, we should only have a look at our notes and try to remember some important things we've been told in class by our teachers Eva and Alana (and which might not be written in our notebooks!).
Good luck!
Hola a tothom!
La setmana vinent farem les nostres darreres proves del trimestre. No hem de preocupar-nos pas, ja que hem estat treballant força a classe, així que tan sols és qüestió de revisar la feina feta durant el trimestre.
Pel que fa a la prova d'anglès, això és el que hauríem de repassar:
1- Vocabulari: Verbs sensorials ("see", "hear", "smell"...). Els cinc òrgans de percepció ("eyes", "ears", "nose"...). Adjectius de qualitat ("soft", "hard", "wet"...).
2- Gramàtica: "Can/can't". Descripció d'objectes (e.g. "Ice cream is soft and cold").
3- Fonètica: /ch/ /c/
El Multi-ROM és una eina molt útil a l'hora de revisar per a l'examen!
Respecte a la prova de Science, durant aquest trimestre hem tractat tres temes diferents: els arbres de família, celebracions a Irlanda (Halloween, Dia de Sant Patrici i Nadal) i mitjans de transport (vam passar una hora sencera parlant de mobilitat sostenible!).
A la prova, se'ns demanarà de respondre oralment quatre preguntes sobre aquests temes. Podrem tenir la nostra llibreta amb nosaltres, de manera que, abans de l'examen, només hauríem de donar una ullada als apunts i intentar recordar aquelles coses importants que l'Eva i l'Alana ens van explicar a classe (i que potser no estan anotades a la llibreta!).
Bona sort!
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