More exciting news!!
Our friends from Greysbrooke School in Shenstone have answered our letter and they have told us their news of this term. Do you want to read it? Here you are the full document. Enjoy!!
Friday, 5 December 2014
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Year 6
Dear friends of Greysbrooke school, here you are our Christmas wishes for you!
These are the Christmas cards we posted to our English friends. We hope they like them!
These are the Christmas cards we posted to our English friends. We hope they like them!
Year 6
This year our friends from Greysbrooke School in Shenstone, England, are not studying Spanish, but we will keep our cultural link going so that we can learn about each other's countries, traditions, and what is going on in our schools.
So here is the news we sent them about us just a few days ago:
So here is the news we sent them about us just a few days ago:
Year 5
We got the letters! We are so excited!!
We read ours, we read our classmates' too, we love reading letters! Look at us!
Thank you penpals from Cheddar Grove School! We look forward to writing to you again very soon.
We read ours, we read our classmates' too, we love reading letters! Look at us!
Thank you penpals from Cheddar Grove School! We look forward to writing to you again very soon.
Monday, 24 November 2014
All years - conversation assistant
Hello! My name is Tammy, and I am the new language assistant at the school! I work with all of the classes from 1st of primary to 4th of ESO and everybody has made me feel very welcome.The school is a lot bigger than the schools I have worked at in England, as primary and secondary (ESO) schools are usually seperate. I am really enjoying working with different classes on different topics; playing games, doing actvities and working with small groups and whole classes.
In 5th of primary we have made a link with a primary school in Bristol, England. Each student has a ´pen pal´ and we are going to email them regularly to tell them about what we are learning and our culture. We are going to help them learn Spanish and it will help improve our English a lot!
We have drafted our first email which is about ourselves; what we look like, what we like/dislike and where we live.
Here is a link to their school website for you to have a look at our new friends!
In 5th of primary we have made a link with a primary school in Bristol, England. Each student has a ´pen pal´ and we are going to email them regularly to tell them about what we are learning and our culture. We are going to help them learn Spanish and it will help improve our English a lot!
We have drafted our first email which is about ourselves; what we look like, what we like/dislike and where we live.
Here is a link to their school website for you to have a look at our new friends!
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
All Years
Hello everybody!
We are enjoying these last days of the school year so much! We are just preparing the end-of-year festival and getting ready for summer.
The festival will be the best way to say goodbye to our school and our friends. Then, it will be time to reflect on our work and effort, and see whether the outcome has been positive or negative.
During the summer break, we should not miss a single chance to get in touch with the English language. We can do a holiday exercise book or some useful on-line activities (see the links on the right of this page), watch our favourite cartoon or series in English, go on a summer camp in which this language is the only means of communication, or even travel to an English-speaking country. Anything will be very helpful.
See you around!
Hola a tothom!
Estem gaudint tant dels darrers dies del trimestre! Ja estem preparant el festival de final de curs i preparant-nos per a l'estiu.
El festival serà la millor manera de dir adéu a l’escola i als nostres amics. Després, serà moment de reflexionar sobre la feina i l'esforç fets, i veure si els resultats han estat positius o no.
Durant el descans estival, no hauríem de perdre cap oportunitat d’establir contacte amb la llengua anglesa. Podem fer un quadern de vacances o activitats “on-line” útils (veieu-ne els enllaços a la dreta d'aquesta pàgina), veure la nostra sèrie o els nostres dibuixos animats preferits en anglès, anar a un casal d’estiu en què aquesta llengua sigui l’únic mitjà de comunicació, o fins i tot viatjar a un país de parla anglesa. Qualsevol cosa serà de gran ajuda.
Ens veiem!
Thursday, 29 May 2014
4th Year
Hi everybody!
Next Tuesday, June 3, the day before going on our English school camp..., we'll have our final test, and this is what it will include:
1- Vocabulary: Animal groups and their main features. The planets. Activities related to space travel.
2- Grammar: Comparative and superlative adjectives. The contracted forms of the verb to be in the present tense (I'm, you're, he's...). The "going to" future. The simple present tense (affirmative and negative sentences + questions and short answers).
Remember that the Multi-ROM is very useful to revise for the tests.
1- Vocabulary: Animal groups and their main features. The planets. Activities related to space travel.
2- Grammar: Comparative and superlative adjectives. The contracted forms of the verb to be in the present tense (I'm, you're, he's...). The "going to" future. The simple present tense (affirmative and negative sentences + questions and short answers).
Remember that the Multi-ROM is very useful to revise for the tests.
See you!
Hola a tothom!
El proper dimarts 3 de juny, just el dia abans de marxar de colònies..., farem el nostre examen final, i això és el que inclourà:
1- Vocabulari: Grups d'animals i els seus trets principals. Els planetes. Activitats relacionades amb els viatges espacials.
2- Gramàtica: Adjectius comparatius i superlatius. Les formes contractes del verb "to be" en present ("I'm", "you're", "he's"...). El futur "going to". El temps verbal "simple present" (frases afirmatives i negatives + preguntes i respostes curtes).
Recordem que el Multi-ROM és molt útil per repassar per als controls.
Ens veiem!
3rd Year
Hi there everyone!
Our final exam is scheduled on Tuesday, June 10, and this is what we should revise for it:
1- Vocabulary: Elements of a landscape. The weather. The parts of a plant. The growth cycle of a plant. Common materials. The months of the year. The ordinal numbers. Items that are often part of celebrations.
2- Grammar: There is a... / There isn't a... / There are some... / There aren't any...
2- Grammar: There is a... / There isn't a... / There are some... / There aren't any...
As regards the Science test, remember that the last topic we've been looking at in class, the human skeleton, includes more content than the photocopy we have in our notebooks (we can be asked, for example, which is the longest bone in our body, what kind of bone the humerus is -long, short, flat or irregular-, etc.).
We can use the Multi-ROM to revise for the English test, right?
See you around!
Hola a tothom!
El nostre examen final està programat per al dimarts 10 de juny, i això és el que hauríem de repassar:
1- Vocabulari: Elements d'un paisatge. El temps. Les parts d'una planta. El cicle vital d'una planta. Materials comuns. Els mesos de l'any. Els nombres ordinals. Elements que habitualment són part d'una celebració.
2- Gramàtica: "There is a..." / "There isn't a..." / "There are some..." / "There aren't any..."
Quant al control de Science, recordem que l'últim tema que vam estar tractant a classe, l'esquelet humà, inclou molt més del que tenim a la llibreta (se'ns pot preguntar, per exemple, quin és l'os més llarg del cos, quin tipus d'os és l'húmer -llarg, curt, pla o irregular-, etc.).
Podem fer servir el Multi-ROM per repassar per a l'examen d'anglès, oi?!
Ens veiem!
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
3rd Year
Hi there!
Since we'll soon be looking at the ordinal numbers in class, how about getting familiar with them and also improving our maths skills with this online game?
See your around!
Com que aviat treballarem en els nombres ordinals a classe, per què no comencem a familiaritzar-nos-hi i també millorem les nostres habilitats matemàtiques amb aquest joc en línia?
Ens veiem!
Since we'll soon be looking at the ordinal numbers in class, how about getting familiar with them and also improving our maths skills with this online game?
See your around!
Com que aviat treballarem en els nombres ordinals a classe, per què no comencem a familiaritzar-nos-hi i també millorem les nostres habilitats matemàtiques amb aquest joc en línia?
Ens veiem!
Saturday, 10 May 2014
3rd Year
Hey there everybody!
This coming week we'll be looking at the human skeleton and muscles, so if we could find some time to see this tutorial as a warm-up exercise, that would be great!
Hola a tothom!
Aquesta propera setmana treballarem en l'esquelet i els músculs humans, així que si poguéssim trobar una estoneta per veure aquest tutorial com a activitat introductòria, seria fantàstic!
This coming week we'll be looking at the human skeleton and muscles, so if we could find some time to see this tutorial as a warm-up exercise, that would be great!
Hola a tothom!
Aquesta propera setmana treballarem en l'esquelet i els músculs humans, així que si poguéssim trobar una estoneta per veure aquest tutorial com a activitat introductòria, seria fantàstic!
Monday, 5 May 2014
3rd Year
Hi there everybody!
In our last Science session, we learned that plants, like animals, are made up of different parts, each of which has its own functions. How about going over what we did? Click here, then!
Hola a tothom!
A la nostra darrera classe de Science vam aprendre que les plantes, com els animals, estan formades per diferents parts, cadascuna de les quals té les seves pròpies funcions. I si repassem el que vam fer? Cliquem aquí, doncs!
In our last Science session, we learned that plants, like animals, are made up of different parts, each of which has its own functions. How about going over what we did? Click here, then!
Hola a tothom!
A la nostra darrera classe de Science vam aprendre que les plantes, com els animals, estan formades per diferents parts, cadascuna de les quals té les seves pròpies funcions. I si repassem el que vam fer? Cliquem aquí, doncs!
Monday, 28 April 2014
4th Year
Hello everybody!
Do you remember what a food chain is?! What are producers, consumers and decomposers? Do food chains differ in length? How do all food chains start? I hope you can answer all these questions! And if you click here, you will see some food chains come to life... Well, that will happen if you succeed in putting them together, of course!
Hola a tothom!
Recordeu què és una cadena alimentària?! Què són els productors, consumidors i descomponedors? Les cadenes tròfiques tenen la mateixa llargada? Com comencen totes elles? Espero que pugueu respondre totes aquestes preguntes! I si cliqueu aquí podreu veure com algunes cadenes alimentàries cobren vida... Bé, això passarà si aconseguiu ordenar-ne correctament els elements, esclar!
Do you remember what a food chain is?! What are producers, consumers and decomposers? Do food chains differ in length? How do all food chains start? I hope you can answer all these questions! And if you click here, you will see some food chains come to life... Well, that will happen if you succeed in putting them together, of course!
Hola a tothom!
Recordeu què és una cadena alimentària?! Què són els productors, consumidors i descomponedors? Les cadenes tròfiques tenen la mateixa llargada? Com comencen totes elles? Espero que pugueu respondre totes aquestes preguntes! I si cliqueu aquí podreu veure com algunes cadenes alimentàries cobren vida... Bé, això passarà si aconseguiu ordenar-ne correctament els elements, esclar!
Thursday, 24 April 2014
2nd, 3rd & 4th Years
Hi everyone!
On Tuesday we enjoyed the play a great deal, didn't we? Click here to see some pics of the show. And remember the 4 R's: recycle, reuse, reduce and rethink!
Hola a tothom!
Dimarts vam gaudir moltíssim de l'obra de teatre, oi? Cliqueu aquí per veure algunes fotografies de l'espectacle. I recordeu les 4 R's: reciclar, reutilitzar, reduir i repensar!
On Tuesday we enjoyed the play a great deal, didn't we? Click here to see some pics of the show. And remember the 4 R's: recycle, reuse, reduce and rethink!
Hola a tothom!
Dimarts vam gaudir moltíssim de l'obra de teatre, oi? Cliqueu aquí per veure algunes fotografies de l'espectacle. I recordeu les 4 R's: reciclar, reutilitzar, reduir i repensar!
Sunday, 6 April 2014
3rd & 4th Years
Hey there everybody!
How are you doing? Still remembering how much fun we had last Friday singing and dancing the Super Sue song? Then, you'll be interested in this video with all the songs in the play we'll see on April 22!
Hola a tothom!
Com anem? Encara recordant com de bé ho vam passar divendres cantant i ballant la cançó de Super Sue? Aleshores us interessarà aquest vídeo amb totes les cançons de l'obra de teatre que veurem el 22 d'abril!
How are you doing? Still remembering how much fun we had last Friday singing and dancing the Super Sue song? Then, you'll be interested in this video with all the songs in the play we'll see on April 22!
Com anem? Encara recordant com de bé ho vam passar divendres cantant i ballant la cançó de Super Sue? Aleshores us interessarà aquest vídeo amb totes les cançons de l'obra de teatre que veurem el 22 d'abril!
Sunday, 30 March 2014
3rd Year
Hi everyone!
In our next Science sessions we'll be looking at the digestive system with the help of this tutorial. How about having a look at it when we get some free time?!
See you around!
Hola a tothom!
A les properes classes de Science, analitzarem el sistema digestiu amb l'ajut d'aquest tutorial. I si li fem una ullada quan tinguem una mica de temps lliure?!
Ens veiem!
In our next Science sessions we'll be looking at the digestive system with the help of this tutorial. How about having a look at it when we get some free time?!
See you around!
Hola a tothom!
A les properes classes de Science, analitzarem el sistema digestiu amb l'ajut d'aquest tutorial. I si li fem una ullada quan tinguem una mica de temps lliure?!
Ens veiem!
Sunday, 23 March 2014
5th Year
Hey there everyone!
This coming week we'll be looking at Prehistory in our Science class. How about taking a look at this video (only at the Paleolithic and Neolithic sections) so that we can check our previous knowledge on the topic?
Hola a tothom!
Aquesta propera setmana dedicarem la classe de "Science" a la Prehistòria. Què tal si fem una ullada a aquest vídeo (només als apartats del Paleolític i el Neolític) a fi que puguem comprovar els nostres coneixements previs del tema?
This coming week we'll be looking at Prehistory in our Science class. How about taking a look at this video (only at the Paleolithic and Neolithic sections) so that we can check our previous knowledge on the topic?
Hola a tothom!
Aquesta propera setmana dedicarem la classe de "Science" a la Prehistòria. Què tal si fem una ullada a aquest vídeo (només als apartats del Paleolític i el Neolític) a fi que puguem comprovar els nostres coneixements previs del tema?
Monday, 10 March 2014
3rd Year
Next Friday, March 21st, we’ll take our fourth exam.
What to study for the test
What to study for the test
- Some examples of birds, fish, insects and mammals
- How to classify animals according to their habitat (pets, farm animals and wild animals)
- The main body parts of animals (e.g. “Bears have got fur, paws and a tail”/“Bears haven’t got wings, feathers, scales or fins”)
- How to describe the movement of different animals (e.g. “Sharks can swim”/“Rabbits can’t swim”, “Bees can fly”/“Pigs can’t fly”, “Monkeys can climb”/“Horses can’t climb”, “Tigers can run”/“Turtles can’t run”)
- The main characteristics of insects
All the activities in Unit 4 on the Multi-ROM can help us study for the exam.
Good luck!
Hmmm, and remember that on Tuesday and Thursday next week we'll be asked to answer (orally) some questions about anything we've been doing in our Science sessions during this second term. We can have our notebook with us, though making sure we're familiar with our notes before the test.
Hmmm, and remember that on Tuesday and Thursday next week we'll be asked to answer (orally) some questions about anything we've been doing in our Science sessions during this second term. We can have our notebook with us, though making sure we're familiar with our notes before the test.
El proper divendres 21 de març farem el nostre quart examen de llengua anglesa.
Què cal estudiar per a l’examen
- Alguns exemples d’ocells, peixos, insectes i mamífers
- Com classificar els animals en funció del seu hàbitat (“pets”, “farm animals” i “wild animals”)
- Les principals parts del cos dels animals (e.g. “Bears have got fur, paws and a tail”/“Bears haven’t got wings, feathers, scales or fins”)
- Com descriure el moviment de diferents animals (e.g. “Sharks can swim”/“Rabbits can’t swim”, “Bees can fly”/“Pigs can’t fly”, “Monkeys can climb”/“Horses can’t climb”, “Tigers can run”/“Turtles can’t run”)
- Les principals característiques dels insectes
Totes les activitats de la unitat 4 del Multi-ROM poden ajudar-nos a estudiar per a l’examen.
Bona sort!
Hmmm, i recordem que el dimarts i el dijous de la setmana vinent haurem de respondre (oralment) algunes preguntes sobre el que hem estat aprenent a les sessions de "Science" durant aquest segon trimestre. Podem tenir la llibreta amb nosaltres, però ens hem d'assegurar que entenem i dominem els nostres apunts abans del control.
Hmmm, i recordem que el dimarts i el dijous de la setmana vinent haurem de respondre (oralment) algunes preguntes sobre el que hem estat aprenent a les sessions de "Science" durant aquest segon trimestre. Podem tenir la llibreta amb nosaltres, però ens hem d'assegurar que entenem i dominem els nostres apunts abans del control.
Friday, 7 March 2014
4th Year
Hello everybody!
2- Grammar: There is a/an/some. There are some.
3- Phonics: /y/ /j/
Get to work, and good luck!
See you around!
Our next exam is scheduled on Friday, March 14, and this is what it will include:
1- Vocabulary: Basic food items. Perishable and non-perishable food. Finished dishes. Items of food that we get carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins and minerals from.
1- Vocabulary: Basic food items. Perishable and non-perishable food. Finished dishes. Items of food that we get carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins and minerals from.
2- Grammar: There is a/an/some. There are some.
3- Phonics: /y/ /j/
Get to work, and good luck!
See you around!
Monday, 24 February 2014
3rd Year
Hi everyone!
In the past few sessions of Science, we've been looking at the different groups of vertebrates and their main characteristics (body covering, body temperature, diet, habitat, breathing, way of reproduction, etc.). Now it's turn to check our knowledge through some online interactive games. Have fun!
Hola a tothom!
A les darreres sessions de "Science" hem estat treballant en els diferents grups de vertebrats i les seves principals característiques (cobertura del cos, temperatura corporal, dieta, hàbitat, respiració, forma de reproducció, etc.). Ara és l'hora de comprovar els nostres coneixements amb uns quants jocs interactius en línia. Gaudiu-ne!
In the past few sessions of Science, we've been looking at the different groups of vertebrates and their main characteristics (body covering, body temperature, diet, habitat, breathing, way of reproduction, etc.). Now it's turn to check our knowledge through some online interactive games. Have fun!
Hola a tothom!
A les darreres sessions de "Science" hem estat treballant en els diferents grups de vertebrats i les seves principals característiques (cobertura del cos, temperatura corporal, dieta, hàbitat, respiració, forma de reproducció, etc.). Ara és l'hora de comprovar els nostres coneixements amb uns quants jocs interactius en línia. Gaudiu-ne!
Monday, 17 February 2014
5th Year
Hey there!
In the last two weeks we've been looking at the heart and the circulatory system. We now know how this pump-like muscle of our body works and how important it is to take care of it!
Enjoy the video!
En les dues darreres setmanes hem estat treballant en el cor i el sistema circulatori. Ara sabem com funciona aquest múscul del nostre cos que actua com una bomba, i la importància de tenir-ne cura!
Gaudiu del vídeo!
In the last two weeks we've been looking at the heart and the circulatory system. We now know how this pump-like muscle of our body works and how important it is to take care of it!
Enjoy the video!
En les dues darreres setmanes hem estat treballant en el cor i el sistema circulatori. Ara sabem com funciona aquest múscul del nostre cos que actua com una bomba, i la importància de tenir-ne cura!
Gaudiu del vídeo!
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
3rd Year
Next Tuesday, February 11th we’ll take our third exam.
What to study for the test:
- Names of sports and free time activities
- How to express one’s opinion and preferences in relation to free time activities and hobbies (e.g. “I like swimming, athletics and gym”, “I don’t like football, basketball or hockey”)
- The main equipment needed for each sport (e.g. “I’ve got trainers and a baseball bat. I can play baseball”)
- How to give rules/orders for different sports and games (e.g. “Kick the ball!”, “Wear pool shoes!”, “Don’t run!”, “Don’t sit down!)
- Words that begin with “sn-“, “sc-“, “sw-“ and “sk-“ (e.g. snow, snake, scarf, school, sweets, swim, skirt…)
All the activities in Unit 3 on the Multi-ROM can help us study for the exam.
Good luck!
El proper dimarts 11 de febrer farem el nostre tercer examen de llengua anglesa.
Què cal estudiar per a l’examen:
- Noms d’esports i activitats d’oci
- Com expressar la pròpia opinió i preferències en relació a activitats d’oci i hobbies (e.g. “I like swimming, athletics and gym”, “I don’t like football, basketball or hockey”)
- El principal equipament requerit per a cada esport (e.g. “I’ve got trainers and a baseball bat. I can play baseball”)
- Com donar normes/ordres per a diferents esports i jocs (e.g. “Kick the ball!”, “Wear pool shoes!”, “Don’t run!”, “Don’t sit down!)
- Paraules que comencen per “sn-“, “sc-“, “sw-“ i “sk-“ (e.g. “snow”, “snake”, “scarf”, “school”, “sweets”, “swim”, “skirt”…)
Totes les activitats de la unitat 3 del Multi-ROM poden ajudar-nos a estudiar per a l’examen.
Bona sort!
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
4th Year
Hello everyone!
Our first exam of the term is scheduled next Tuesday, February 4, and this is what it will include:
Our first exam of the term is scheduled next Tuesday, February 4, and this is what it will include:
1- Vocabulary: Big numbers (hundreds and thousands). Cardinal points (giving and following directions).
2- Grammar: Questions with wh- words (where, what, when & who). Present Continuous Tense (e.g. I'm looking at the clouds, he's eating a sandwich, she's reading a book, they're sitting on the train).
3- Phonics: /th/ /w/
Remember that the Multi-ROM is very useful to revise for the tests.
See you around!
2- Grammar: Questions with wh- words (where, what, when & who). Present Continuous Tense (e.g. I'm looking at the clouds, he's eating a sandwich, she's reading a book, they're sitting on the train).
3- Phonics: /th/ /w/
Remember that the Multi-ROM is very useful to revise for the tests.
See you around!
Sunday, 26 January 2014
4th Year
Hi everyone!
We will soon become experts in nutrition. For the past two weeks, we have been looking at the different food and nutrients groups, and their specific role in our body. Tomorrow we will start building our food pyramids in class, but we can also do some online activities to reinforce our knowledge of this topic:
Hola a tothom!
Aviat serem experts en nutrició. Durant les dues últimes setmanes, hem estat treballant en els diferents grups d'aliments i nutrients, i la funció que cadascun d'ells realitza en el nostre cos. Demà, a classe, començarem a construir les nostres priàmides dels aliments, però també podem fer algunes activitats en línia per reforçar els nostres coneixements d'aquest tema.
We will soon become experts in nutrition. For the past two weeks, we have been looking at the different food and nutrients groups, and their specific role in our body. Tomorrow we will start building our food pyramids in class, but we can also do some online activities to reinforce our knowledge of this topic:
Hola a tothom!
Aviat serem experts en nutrició. Durant les dues últimes setmanes, hem estat treballant en els diferents grups d'aliments i nutrients, i la funció que cadascun d'ells realitza en el nostre cos. Demà, a classe, començarem a construir les nostres priàmides dels aliments, però també podem fer algunes activitats en línia per reforçar els nostres coneixements d'aquest tema.
Monday, 20 January 2014
3rd Year
Hey there everybody!
In our English classes, we are now working on free time activities. Free time is time spent away from school and other obligatory or necessary activities, so it is when we can choose what to do. And sports, of course, are among our favourite free time activities. This is a video we saw in class about hurling, a team sport of Irish origin.
Hola a tothom!
A les nostres classes d'anglès, estem treballant en les activitats d'oci. El temps lliure és el temps que passem fora de l'escola i d'altres activitats obligatòries o necessàries, així que és quan podem escollir què fer; i els esports, esclar, es troben entre les nostres activitats d'oci preferides. Aquest és un vídeo que vam veure a classe sobre el hurling, un esport d'equip d'origen irlandès.
In our English classes, we are now working on free time activities. Free time is time spent away from school and other obligatory or necessary activities, so it is when we can choose what to do. And sports, of course, are among our favourite free time activities. This is a video we saw in class about hurling, a team sport of Irish origin.
A les nostres classes d'anglès, estem treballant en les activitats d'oci. El temps lliure és el temps que passem fora de l'escola i d'altres activitats obligatòries o necessàries, així que és quan podem escollir què fer; i els esports, esclar, es troben entre les nostres activitats d'oci preferides. Aquest és un vídeo que vam veure a classe sobre el hurling, un esport d'equip d'origen irlandès.
Sunday, 12 January 2014
3rd Year
Hey there!
In our Science sessions, we are currently working on road signs. We should remember that, depending on their shape and colour, they tell us one thing or another.
- Circular signs give orders. If they are blue, they tell us what we must do, and if they are red, what we must not do.
- Triangular signs give warnings.
- Rectangular signs give information.
Once we get to know better some of the main road signs, why don't we try to do this activity?
Actualment, a les nostres classes de Science estem treballant en els senyals de trànsit. Hauríem de recordar que, en funció de la seva forma i color, ens diuen una cosa o una altra.
- Els senyals circulars donen ordres. Si són blaus, ens diuen allò que hem de fer, i si són vermells, allò que no hem de fer.
- Els senyals triangulars donen avisos.
- Els senyals rectangulars donen informació.
Una vegada coneguem millor els principals senyals de trànsit, per què no intentem fer aquesta activitat?
In our Science sessions, we are currently working on road signs. We should remember that, depending on their shape and colour, they tell us one thing or another.
- Circular signs give orders. If they are blue, they tell us what we must do, and if they are red, what we must not do.
- Triangular signs give warnings.
- Rectangular signs give information.
Once we get to know better some of the main road signs, why don't we try to do this activity?
Actualment, a les nostres classes de Science estem treballant en els senyals de trànsit. Hauríem de recordar que, en funció de la seva forma i color, ens diuen una cosa o una altra.
- Els senyals circulars donen ordres. Si són blaus, ens diuen allò que hem de fer, i si són vermells, allò que no hem de fer.
- Els senyals triangulars donen avisos.
- Els senyals rectangulars donen informació.
Una vegada coneguem millor els principals senyals de trànsit, per què no intentem fer aquesta activitat?
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