Wednesday, 5 February 2014

3rd Year

Next Tuesday, February 11th we’ll take our third exam.

What to study for the test:
- Names of sports and free time activities
- How to express one’s opinion and preferences in relation to free time activities and hobbies (e.g. “I like swimming, athletics and gym”, “I don’t like football, basketball or hockey”)
- The main equipment needed for each sport (e.g. “I’ve got trainers and a baseball bat. I can play baseball”)
- How to give rules/orders for different sports and games (e.g. “Kick the ball!”, “Wear pool shoes!”, “Don’t run!”, “Don’t sit down!)
- Words that begin with “sn-“, “sc-“, “sw-“ and “sk-“ (e.g. snow, snake, scarf, school, sweets, swim, skirt…)

All the activities in Unit 3 on the Multi-ROM can help us study for the exam.

Good luck!

El proper dimarts 11 de febrer farem el nostre tercer examen de llengua anglesa.

Què cal estudiar per a l’examen:
- Noms d’esports i activitats d’oci
- Com expressar la pròpia opinió i preferències en relació a activitats d’oci i hobbies (e.g. “I like swimming, athletics and gym”, “I don’t like football, basketball or hockey”)
- El principal equipament requerit per a cada esport (e.g. “I’ve got trainers and a baseball bat. I can play baseball”)
- Com donar normes/ordres per a diferents esports i jocs (e.g. “Kick the ball!”, “Wear pool shoes!”, “Don’t run!”, “Don’t sit down!)
- Paraules que comencen per “sn-“, “sc-“, “sw-“ i “sk-“ (e.g. “snow”, “snake”, “scarf”, “school”, “sweets”, “swim”, “skirt”…)

Totes les activitats de la unitat 3 del Multi-ROM poden ajudar-nos a estudiar per a l’examen.

Bona sort!

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