Monday, 22 April 2013

2nd, 3rd & 4th Years

This morning we went to the school chapel to see a theatre play in English. It was titled "Pirate Island", and was performed by three native speakers of this language.

It has been fun, because through great comedy, music and dance, we have had the chance to learn some more English, and we have also been encouraged to get involved in the action and think about cultural diversity.

We can click here to see some pictures of the show.

Aquest matí hem anat a la capella de l'escola a veure una obra de teatre en anglès. Es titulava "Pirate Island", i ha estat representada per tres parlants nadius d'aquesta llengua.

Ha estat divertit, perquè, a través de bona comèdia, música i ball, hem tingut l'oportunitat d'aprendre una mica més d'anglès, i també se'ns ha animat a ser partíceps de l'obra i reflexionar sobre la diversitat cultural.

Podem clicar aquí per veure algunes fotografies de l'espectacle.

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