Thursday, 2 May 2013

4th Year

Last week, the fourth-year sudents went on a school camp in la Pobla de Lillet. Our hostel was named La Sala, and it was a one-hour walk from the village.

Despite the rainy weather, we had a wonderful time there. We went geocaching, played a lot of games, hiked around the place, sang, danced and, most important, we had to listen to and speak English all the time!

We should go to in order to see some pictures of our stay there.

La setmana passada, els alumnes de 4t vam anar de convivències a la Pobla de Lillet. El nostre alberg es deia La Sala, i estava a una hora a peu del poble.

Malgrat la pluja, ho vam passar d'allò més bé. Vam fer "geocaching", jugar, caminar pels voltants, cantar, ballar i, sobretot, escoltar i parlar en anglès tota l'estona!

Hauríem d'anar a per poder veure algunes fotografies de la nostra estada allà.

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