Thursday, 28 April 2011

3rd Year

Next Wednesday, May 11th we’ll take our fourth exam.
What to study for the test
-          Some examples of birds, fish, insects and mammals
-          How to classify animals according to their habitat (pets, farm animals and wild animals)
-          The main body parts of animals (e.g. “Bears have got fur, paws and a tail”/“Bears haven’t got wings, feathers, scales or fins”)
-          How to describe the movement of different animals (e.g. “Sharks can swim”/“Rabbits can’t swim”, “Bees can fly”/“Pigs can’t fly”, “Monkeys can climb”/“Horses can’t climb”, “Tigers can run”/“Turtles can’t run”)
-          The main characteristics of insects
-          Words that end in “-le“ (e.g. eagle, turtle, triangle, purple, uncle…)
All the activities in Unit 4 on the Multi-ROM can help us study for the exam.
Good luck!

El proper dimecres 11 de maig farem el nostre quart examen de llengua anglesa.
Què cal estudiar per a l’examen
-          Alguns exemples d’ocells, peixos, insectes i mamífers
-          Com classificar els animals en funció del seu hàbitat (“pets”, “farm animals” i “wild animals”)
-          Les principals parts del cos dels animals (e.g. “Bears have got fur, paws and a tail”/“Bears haven’t got wings, feathers, scales or fins”)
-          Com descriure el moviment de diferents animals (e.g. “Sharks can swim”/“Rabbits can’t swim”, “Bees can fly”/“Pigs can’t fly”, “Monkeys can climb”/“Horses can’t climb”, “Tigers can run”/“Turtles can’t run”)
-          Les principals característiques dels insectes
-          Paraules que acaben en “-le“ (e.g. “eagle”, “turtle”, “triangle”, “purple”, “uncle”…)
Totes les activitats de la unitat 4 del Multi-ROM poden ajudar-nos a estudiar per a l’examen.
Bona sort!

Sunday, 24 April 2011

1st Year

Hello families!
Like the students from 2nd year, we’re also going to take part in the Primary School Musical.
The song we’ll sing and perform is The Pinocchio, of which we already know both the lyrics and the choreography. It’s been a great success and we are having lots of fun rehearsing, but some of us get easily overexcited and clown around when we sing and dance it in class; that’s why we should keep in mind that, in order to dazzle everybody with our musical on the last day of school, we must make an effort to perform our song wonderfully well and take this event seriously.
By the way, didn’t we tell you that on April 28 we’ll watch a theatre play in English at school? It’s titled Nano and it’s about an alien who comes to our planet and... Well, we’d better go on with the story in our homes, hadn’t we?

Hola famílies!
Igual que els alumnes de 2n, nosaltres també participarem en el “Primary School Musical”.
La cançó que cantarem i representarem és “The Pinocchio”, de la qual ja sabem tant la lletra com la coreografia. Ha estat un gran èxit i ens estem divertint molt assajant, tot i que alguns de nosaltres ens sobreexcitem fàcilment i fem una mica el pallasso quan la cantem i ballem a classe; és per això que hauríem de tenir present que, a fi d’impressionar tothom amb el musical l’últim dia de curs, hem de fer un esforç per representar la nostra cançó meravellosament bé i prendre’ns seriosament aquest esdeveniment.
Per cert, no us vam dir que el 28 d’abril veurem una obra de teatre en anglès a l’escola? Es titula “Nano” i tracta d’un alienígena que ve al nostre planeta i... Bé, millor que us continuem explicant la història a casa, oi?

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

2nd Year

Dear All,

Your child may have told you that on the last day of school we are going to go on stage and perform a song, singing and dancing, to celebrate the end of the school year. We've been learning the lyrics and the music for a while now, and after Easter we'll start the choreography so that by the end of June we all dazzle the world with our Primary School Musical.

In the English notebook you'll find the song "Hippo is so hot!". Unfortunately this track is not on your CD, but your child knows the music and the pronunciation of the words. It would be fantastic if they could make a last effort to memorise the words so that we can concentrate on expressing them with our bodies and making learning English really motivating! Thank you, parents, for your collaboration!


El vostre fill potser us ha explicat que el darrer dia d'escola sortirà a l'escenari per interpretar una cançó, cantant i ballant, i celebrar d'aquesta manera el final de curs. Hem estat aprenent la lletra i la música a classe, i després de la Setmana Santa començarem la coreografia per tal que a finals de juny tothom es quedi bocabadat amb el Musical de Primària.

A la llibreta d'anglès trobareu la cançó "Hippo is so hot!". Malauradament aquesta pista no la teniu al CD però la vostra filla sap la música i la pronunciació de les paraules. Seria fantàstic si pogués fer un darrer esforç per memoritzar la cançó de manera que ens puguem concentrar en expressar-la amb el cos i fer que aprendre anglès sigui una tasca ben motivadora! Gràcies famílies per la vostra col·laboració!

Friday, 8 April 2011

2nd Year


This week your children are taking home the booklet we've been working on alongside the text of the story "Ben". In the booklet we've written extracts from the story that, now, we'll have to identify and trace in the full text. The fragments on pages 1 and 2 have been traced in red, but we will change colours for the fragments on pages 3-4, 5-6, etc. Take this chance to listen to the CD, ask your child to read the booklet aloud, and exchange impressions on the story. Also, you can try practising the verbs in the story with your child, changing the pronoun, for them to tell you about the food they had, or where they slept, etc.

In class we also do many other things: ask your child to tell you about them!


Aquesta setmana els vostres fills porten a casa el llibret que hem estat preparant junt amb el text complet del conte "Ben". Al llibret hem escrit extractes del conte que, ara, haurem d'identificar i repassar al text complet. Els fragments de les pàgines 1 i 2 els hem repassat amb vermell, però canviarem de colors per als fragments de les pàgines 3 i 4, 5 i 6 etcètera. Aprofiteu l'ocasió per escoltar el CD, demanar a la vostra filla o fill que llegeixi en veu alta, i intercanvieu opinions sobre la història. També podeu intentar practicar els verbs del conte, canviant el pronom (feu servir el de primera persona "I"), perquè us expliquin què han pres per dinar, on han dormit, etc.

A la classe també fem moltes altres coses: demaneu-li al vostre fill que us les expliqui!

See you soon!

Thursday, 7 April 2011

4th Year

Hello again!
On April, 12 (4th B) or 13 (4th A), we’ll take a test in the Simple Present Tense. We only need to review those 25 routines we’ve been working on for the last two weeks, as well as the structure of the Simple Present Tense in its positive, negative and interrogative forms + short answers.
By the way, we should pay special attention to the third-person singular subjects (he, she & it).
Good luck!

Hola de nou!
El 12 (4t B) o 13 (4t A) d’abril, farem un control del temps verbal “Simple Present”. Només cal que repassem les 25 rutines en què hem estat treballant durant les dues darreres setmanes, així com l’estructura del ”Simple Present” en les seves formes positiva, negativa i interrogativa + respostes curtes.
Per cert, hauríem de fer especial atenció als subjectes en 3ª persona del singular (“he”, “she” & “it”).
Bona sort!