Thursday, 7 April 2011

4th Year

Hello again!
On April, 12 (4th B) or 13 (4th A), we’ll take a test in the Simple Present Tense. We only need to review those 25 routines we’ve been working on for the last two weeks, as well as the structure of the Simple Present Tense in its positive, negative and interrogative forms + short answers.
By the way, we should pay special attention to the third-person singular subjects (he, she & it).
Good luck!

Hola de nou!
El 12 (4t B) o 13 (4t A) d’abril, farem un control del temps verbal “Simple Present”. Només cal que repassem les 25 rutines en què hem estat treballant durant les dues darreres setmanes, així com l’estructura del ”Simple Present” en les seves formes positiva, negativa i interrogativa + respostes curtes.
Per cert, hauríem de fer especial atenció als subjectes en 3ª persona del singular (“he”, “she” & “it”).
Bona sort!

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