Hello families!
Like the students from 2nd year, we’re also going to take part in the Primary School Musical.
The song we’ll sing and perform is The Pinocchio, of which we already know both the lyrics and the choreography. It’s been a great success and we are having lots of fun rehearsing, but some of us get easily overexcited and clown around when we sing and dance it in class; that’s why we should keep in mind that, in order to dazzle everybody with our musical on the last day of school, we must make an effort to perform our song wonderfully well and take this event seriously.
By the way, didn’t we tell you that on April 28 we’ll watch a theatre play in English at school? It’s titled Nano and it’s about an alien who comes to our planet and... Well, we’d better go on with the story in our homes, hadn’t we?
Hola famílies!
Igual que els alumnes de 2n, nosaltres també participarem en el “Primary School Musical”.
La cançó que cantarem i representarem és “The Pinocchio”, de la qual ja sabem tant la lletra com la coreografia. Ha estat un gran èxit i ens estem divertint molt assajant, tot i que alguns de nosaltres ens sobreexcitem fàcilment i fem una mica el pallasso quan la cantem i ballem a classe; és per això que hauríem de tenir present que, a fi d’impressionar tothom amb el musical l’últim dia de curs, hem de fer un esforç per representar la nostra cançó meravellosament bé i prendre’ns seriosament aquest esdeveniment.
Per cert, no us vam dir que el 28 d’abril veurem una obra de teatre en anglès a l’escola? Es titula “Nano” i tracta d’un alienígena que ve al nostre planeta i... Bé, millor que us continuem explicant la història a casa, oi?
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