Hi everyone!
This year our fifth-year students have delighted us with the lovely carol by Shakin' Stevens "Merry Christmas everyone". They reminded us that Christmas is a time for parties and celebration, kisses and present-exchanging, and carol-singing. And this is true, of course, but this time of the year is also a good time to revise what we have been learning at school so far and set goals to do better next year.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Hola a tothom!
Enguany, els nostres alumnes de 5è ens han delectat amb la preciosa nadala de Shakin' Stevens "Merry Christmas everyone". Ens han recordat que el Nadal és temps per a festes, celebració, petons, intercanvi de regals i cantada de nadales. I tot això és cert, esclar, però aquesta època de l'any és també una bona ocasió per revisar el que hem estat aprenent a l'escola fins ara i marcar-nos els objectius de millora per a l'any vinent.
Bon Nadal a tothom!
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Friday, 6 December 2013
3rd Year: end-of-the-term tests
Hi everybody!
In the coming week, we'll have our end-of-the-term tests. There's no need to worry about them as we've been working quite hard in class, so it's just a matter of reviewing this term's work.
As regards the English test, this is what we should have a look at:
1- Vocabulary: Sense verbs (see, hear, smell...). The five organs of perception (eyes, ears, nose...). Adjectives of quality (soft, hard, wet...).
2- Grammar: Can/can't. Description of objects (e.g. "Ice cream is soft and cold").
3- Phonics: /ch/ /c/
The Multi-ROM is also very useful to review for the test!
Regarding the Science test, we've been dealing with three different topics during the term: family trees, Irish celebrations (Halloween, St. Patrick's Day and Christmas) and means of transport (we spent a whole hour discussing which ones are the most eco-friendly!).
In the test, we'll be asked to answer orally four questions about these topics. We'll be allowed to have our notebook with us, so, before the exam, we should only have a look at our notes and try to remember some important things we've been told in class by our teachers Eva and Alana (and which might not be written in our notebooks!).
Good luck!
Hola a tothom!
La setmana vinent farem les nostres darreres proves del trimestre. No hem de preocupar-nos pas, ja que hem estat treballant força a classe, així que tan sols és qüestió de revisar la feina feta durant el trimestre.
Pel que fa a la prova d'anglès, això és el que hauríem de repassar:
1- Vocabulari: Verbs sensorials ("see", "hear", "smell"...). Els cinc òrgans de percepció ("eyes", "ears", "nose"...). Adjectius de qualitat ("soft", "hard", "wet"...).
2- Gramàtica: "Can/can't". Descripció d'objectes (e.g. "Ice cream is soft and cold").
3- Fonètica: /ch/ /c/
El Multi-ROM és una eina molt útil a l'hora de revisar per a l'examen!
Respecte a la prova de Science, durant aquest trimestre hem tractat tres temes diferents: els arbres de família, celebracions a Irlanda (Halloween, Dia de Sant Patrici i Nadal) i mitjans de transport (vam passar una hora sencera parlant de mobilitat sostenible!).
A la prova, se'ns demanarà de respondre oralment quatre preguntes sobre aquests temes. Podrem tenir la nostra llibreta amb nosaltres, de manera que, abans de l'examen, només hauríem de donar una ullada als apunts i intentar recordar aquelles coses importants que l'Eva i l'Alana ens van explicar a classe (i que potser no estan anotades a la llibreta!).
Bona sort!
In the coming week, we'll have our end-of-the-term tests. There's no need to worry about them as we've been working quite hard in class, so it's just a matter of reviewing this term's work.
As regards the English test, this is what we should have a look at:
1- Vocabulary: Sense verbs (see, hear, smell...). The five organs of perception (eyes, ears, nose...). Adjectives of quality (soft, hard, wet...).
2- Grammar: Can/can't. Description of objects (e.g. "Ice cream is soft and cold").
3- Phonics: /ch/ /c/
The Multi-ROM is also very useful to review for the test!
Regarding the Science test, we've been dealing with three different topics during the term: family trees, Irish celebrations (Halloween, St. Patrick's Day and Christmas) and means of transport (we spent a whole hour discussing which ones are the most eco-friendly!).
In the test, we'll be asked to answer orally four questions about these topics. We'll be allowed to have our notebook with us, so, before the exam, we should only have a look at our notes and try to remember some important things we've been told in class by our teachers Eva and Alana (and which might not be written in our notebooks!).
Good luck!
Hola a tothom!
La setmana vinent farem les nostres darreres proves del trimestre. No hem de preocupar-nos pas, ja que hem estat treballant força a classe, així que tan sols és qüestió de revisar la feina feta durant el trimestre.
Pel que fa a la prova d'anglès, això és el que hauríem de repassar:
1- Vocabulari: Verbs sensorials ("see", "hear", "smell"...). Els cinc òrgans de percepció ("eyes", "ears", "nose"...). Adjectius de qualitat ("soft", "hard", "wet"...).
2- Gramàtica: "Can/can't". Descripció d'objectes (e.g. "Ice cream is soft and cold").
3- Fonètica: /ch/ /c/
El Multi-ROM és una eina molt útil a l'hora de revisar per a l'examen!
Respecte a la prova de Science, durant aquest trimestre hem tractat tres temes diferents: els arbres de família, celebracions a Irlanda (Halloween, Dia de Sant Patrici i Nadal) i mitjans de transport (vam passar una hora sencera parlant de mobilitat sostenible!).
A la prova, se'ns demanarà de respondre oralment quatre preguntes sobre aquests temes. Podrem tenir la nostra llibreta amb nosaltres, de manera que, abans de l'examen, només hauríem de donar una ullada als apunts i intentar recordar aquelles coses importants que l'Eva i l'Alana ens van explicar a classe (i que potser no estan anotades a la llibreta!).
Bona sort!
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Years 3 & 4
Hi everyone!
In 3rd and 4th of primary we have begun talking about Christmas. I have been telling the children about how I celebrate Christmas in Ireland with my family and about some of our traditions. We have had lots of fun comparing the similarities and differences between our celebrations. The children are especially interested in the Christmas food and how we decorate our houses!
Hola a tothom!
A 3r i 4t de primària hem començat a parlar del Nadal. He estat explicant als nanos com jo celebro aquesta festa a Irlanda amb la meva família, així com algunes de les nostres tradicions. Ho hem passat molt rebé comparant les semblances i diferències entre les nostres maneres de celebrar el Nadal. Els nens han estat especialment interessats en el menjar típic d'aquestes dates i en com decorem les nostres cases!
In 3rd and 4th of primary we have begun talking about Christmas. I have been telling the children about how I celebrate Christmas in Ireland with my family and about some of our traditions. We have had lots of fun comparing the similarities and differences between our celebrations. The children are especially interested in the Christmas food and how we decorate our houses!
Hola a tothom!
A 3r i 4t de primària hem començat a parlar del Nadal. He estat explicant als nanos com jo celebro aquesta festa a Irlanda amb la meva família, així com algunes de les nostres tradicions. Ho hem passat molt rebé comparant les semblances i diferències entre les nostres maneres de celebrar el Nadal. Els nens han estat especialment interessats en el menjar típic d'aquestes dates i en com decorem les nostres cases!
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Years 3 & 4: Halloween
Hi everyone!
Last week we talked about Halloween in the English classes. We explained the origins of Halloween, its traditions and how it is celebrated today. In Ireland, people love to dress up for Halloween and to go to parties. We looked at pictures of typical Halloween things such as children dressed up in costumes, pumpkins, and bonfires. And after the presentation the children got to read and colour some fun Halloween worksheets!
Hola a tothom!
La setmana pasada vam parlar de Halloween a les classes d'anglès. Vam explicar els orígens d'aquesta festa, les seves tradicions i com se celebra avui dia. A Irlanda, a la gent li agrada disfressar-se per a l'ocasió i anar a festes. Vam mirar imatges típiques de Halloween, com canalla disfressada, carabasses, fogueres, etc. I, després de la presentació, els nens van llegir i pintar algunes fitxes de Halloween molt divertides!
Friday, 1 November 2013
Years 5 & 6: Halloween
Halloween came and went and we had fun!!
We learnt about how Halloween is celebrated in Ireland and where the tradition comes from. We found out that apples are associated with this celebration, so we brought some to school and brainstormed on what we could do with them.
We decided we wanted to play games and decorate the apples, so we worked on apple races instructions before going out to the playground to experience the thrill of a traditional Halloween game first hand!!
We learnt about how Halloween is celebrated in Ireland and where the tradition comes from. We found out that apples are associated with this celebration, so we brought some to school and brainstormed on what we could do with them.
We decided we wanted to play games and decorate the apples, so we worked on apple races instructions before going out to the playground to experience the thrill of a traditional Halloween game first hand!!
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
3rd & 4th Years
Hi everyone,
Last week, so that the children would get to know me better, I showed the groups in 3rd and 4th Year a presentation about myself and my family. We talked about my siblings, my pets, where I live in Ireland and what I like to do in my free time. I showed them pictures of my brother and sister, my two cats and the view from my house. Then, each class told me about their hobbies and interests.
Hola a tothom,
La setmana passada, a fi que els nanos em coneguessin millor, vaig mostrar als grups-classe de 3r i 4t una presentació sobre mi i la meva família. Vam parlar dels meus germans, les meves mascotes, allà on visc a Irlanda, i el que m'agrada fer durant el meu temps lliure. Els vaig ensenyar fotografies del meu germà i la meva germana, dels meus dos gats, i de la vista que tinc des de casa meva. Després, els alumnes em van explicar les seves aficions i els seus interessos.
Last week, so that the children would get to know me better, I showed the groups in 3rd and 4th Year a presentation about myself and my family. We talked about my siblings, my pets, where I live in Ireland and what I like to do in my free time. I showed them pictures of my brother and sister, my two cats and the view from my house. Then, each class told me about their hobbies and interests.
Hola a tothom,
La setmana passada, a fi que els nanos em coneguessin millor, vaig mostrar als grups-classe de 3r i 4t una presentació sobre mi i la meva família. Vam parlar dels meus germans, les meves mascotes, allà on visc a Irlanda, i el que m'agrada fer durant el meu temps lliure. Els vaig ensenyar fotografies del meu germà i la meva germana, dels meus dos gats, i de la vista que tinc des de casa meva. Després, els alumnes em van explicar les seves aficions i els seus interessos.
Friday, 4 October 2013
All Years
Hi everyone!
My name is Alana and I have just arrived in Catalunya from Ireland. This year I will be working as a conversation assistant in the school. I am very excited to help the children practice their English and to share my culture with them. The school community have been so welcoming since my arrival and I feel very comfortable here. I am so grateful to everyone for their hospitality. I hope that this year will be enjoyable for us all! I look forward to learning more about your culture and getting to know you all.
This picture was taken after my arrival in the airport last Saturday (I´m on the left and I´m sure you recognise Eva on the right!).
My name is Alana and I have just arrived in Catalunya from Ireland. This year I will be working as a conversation assistant in the school. I am very excited to help the children practice their English and to share my culture with them. The school community have been so welcoming since my arrival and I feel very comfortable here. I am so grateful to everyone for their hospitality. I hope that this year will be enjoyable for us all! I look forward to learning more about your culture and getting to know you all.
This picture was taken after my arrival in the airport last Saturday (I´m on the left and I´m sure you recognise Eva on the right!).
Hola a tothom!
Sóc l'Alana i acabo d'arribar a Catalunya des d'Irlanda. Aquest curs treballaré com a auxiliar de conversa a l'escola. Estic molt il·lusionada per ajudar els nens i nenes a practicar el seu anglès i compartir amb ells la meva cultura. La comunitat escolar m'ha acollit molt bé des que vaig arribar, i em sento molt a gust aquí. Estic molt agraïda a tothom per la seva hospitalitat. Espero que tots plegats puguem gaudir d'aquest curs. Tinc ganes d'aprendre més sobre la vostra cultura i coneixe-us a tots.
Aquesta foto va ser feta després de la meva arribada a l'aeroport dissabte passat (jo sóc la de l'esquerra, i suposo que reconeixeu l'Eva a la dreta!).
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
4th Year
Hi everyone!
In our Science session today, we've started working on the solar system. This is the song we're trying to understand, write and sing in order to learn the main characteristics of each planet.
See you around!
Hola a tothom!
A la classe de Science d'avui hem començat a treballar en el sistema solar. Aquesta és la cançó que estem intentant entendre, escriure i cantar a fi d'aprendre les principals característiques de cada planeta.
Ens veiem!
In our Science session today, we've started working on the solar system. This is the song we're trying to understand, write and sing in order to learn the main characteristics of each planet.
See you around!
Hola a tothom!
A la classe de Science d'avui hem començat a treballar en el sistema solar. Aquesta és la cançó que estem intentant entendre, escriure i cantar a fi d'aprendre les principals característiques de cada planeta.
Ens veiem!
Monday, 10 June 2013
1st Year
The end of year is round the corner!! We are preparing the festival for the 21st of June... and we need your help with the songs we're going to sing. Below you will find:
1. The lyrics we need to memorize and sing
2. The dance
We are not including the last song, since the it is not in English and the performance is too long; it is also for this reason that we are only singing parts of three of the four songs we will dance.
Thank you for your help!
Ja arribem al final de curs!! Estem preparant el festival del dia 21 de juny... i ens cal la vostra ajuda amb les cançons que hem de cantar. A dalt trobareu:
1. Les lletres de les cançons que hem de memoritzar i cantar
2. El ball
No inclourem la darrera cançó perquè no està en anglès i perquè l'actuació és massa llarga, motiu pel qual tampoc ho cantarem tot sinó només alguns extractes de tres de les quatre cançons que ballarem.
Gràcies per la vostra ajuda!
1. The lyrics we need to memorize and sing
2. The dance
We are not including the last song, since the it is not in English and the performance is too long; it is also for this reason that we are only singing parts of three of the four songs we will dance.
Thank you for your help!
THE LION KING – 1r EP – 2013
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
Everybody look left,
Everybody look right,
Everywhere you look I’m
Standing in the spotlight.
Oh I just can’t wait to be king.
Oh I just can’t wait to be king.
Oh I just can’t wait to be king!
Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing craze
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing craze
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy
Flashmob El Rey León
Ja arribem al final de curs!! Estem preparant el festival del dia 21 de juny... i ens cal la vostra ajuda amb les cançons que hem de cantar. A dalt trobareu:
1. Les lletres de les cançons que hem de memoritzar i cantar
2. El ball
No inclourem la darrera cançó perquè no està en anglès i perquè l'actuació és massa llarga, motiu pel qual tampoc ho cantarem tot sinó només alguns extractes de tres de les quatre cançons que ballarem.
Gràcies per la vostra ajuda!
1st Year
This week the students are taking back home materials we've used to work on Mandy and Daddy's story. Go through the materials with them and try to elicit as much English as possible. The story is very close to children of this age's heart, so you may find that you can incorporate a lot of the language they've learnt into your every day's life. Have a try!
Aquesta setmana els alumnes porten a casa els materials que hem fet servir per treballar el conte de Mandy and Daddy. Mireu-los amb ells i intenteu que us parlin el màxim possible en anglès. El conte és molt proper als interessos dels nens i nenes d'aquesta edat de manera que potser trobareu que podeu incorporar molt d'aquest llenguatge a la vostra vida diària. Intenteu-ho!
Aquesta setmana els alumnes porten a casa els materials que hem fet servir per treballar el conte de Mandy and Daddy. Mireu-los amb ells i intenteu que us parlin el màxim possible en anglès. El conte és molt proper als interessos dels nens i nenes d'aquesta edat de manera que potser trobareu que podeu incorporar molt d'aquest llenguatge a la vostra vida diària. Intenteu-ho!
Sunday, 2 June 2013
2nd Year
Next Wednesday, we are going on our school camp. We will do a great deal of activities in which we will have to communicate in English, so we will try our best to make ourselves understood in this foreign language no matter how many mistakes we make.
We are sure we will have a wonderful time together.
Dimecres vinent, anirem de colònies. Farem un bon grapat d'activitats en què haurem de comunicar-nos en anglès, així que procurarem fer-nos entendre en aquesta llengua encara que ens costi i cometem errades.
Estem segurs que, tots junts, ho passarem d'allò més bé.
We are sure we will have a wonderful time together.
Dimecres vinent, anirem de colònies. Farem un bon grapat d'activitats en què haurem de comunicar-nos en anglès, així que procurarem fer-nos entendre en aquesta llengua encara que ens costi i cometem errades.
Estem segurs que, tots junts, ho passarem d'allò més bé.
Thursday, 2 May 2013
4th Year
Last week, the fourth-year sudents went on a school camp in la Pobla de Lillet. Our hostel was named La Sala, and it was a one-hour walk from the village.
Despite the rainy weather, we had a wonderful time there. We went geocaching, played a lot of games, hiked around the place, sang, danced and, most important, we had to listen to and speak English all the time!
We should go to http://cicle-mitja-santbonaventura.blogspot.com.es/ in order to see some pictures of our stay there.
La setmana passada, els alumnes de 4t vam anar de convivències a la Pobla de Lillet. El nostre alberg es deia La Sala, i estava a una hora a peu del poble.
Malgrat la pluja, ho vam passar d'allò més bé. Vam fer "geocaching", jugar, caminar pels voltants, cantar, ballar i, sobretot, escoltar i parlar en anglès tota l'estona!
Hauríem d'anar a http://cicle-mitja-santbonaventura.blogspot.com.es/ per poder veure algunes fotografies de la nostra estada allà.
Despite the rainy weather, we had a wonderful time there. We went geocaching, played a lot of games, hiked around the place, sang, danced and, most important, we had to listen to and speak English all the time!
We should go to http://cicle-mitja-santbonaventura.blogspot.com.es/ in order to see some pictures of our stay there.
La setmana passada, els alumnes de 4t vam anar de convivències a la Pobla de Lillet. El nostre alberg es deia La Sala, i estava a una hora a peu del poble.
Malgrat la pluja, ho vam passar d'allò més bé. Vam fer "geocaching", jugar, caminar pels voltants, cantar, ballar i, sobretot, escoltar i parlar en anglès tota l'estona!
Hauríem d'anar a http://cicle-mitja-santbonaventura.blogspot.com.es/ per poder veure algunes fotografies de la nostra estada allà.
Monday, 22 April 2013
2nd, 3rd & 4th Years
This morning we went to the school chapel to see a theatre play in English. It was titled "Pirate Island", and was performed by three native speakers of this language.
It has been fun, because through great comedy, music and dance, we have had the chance to learn some more English, and we have also been encouraged to get involved in the action and think about cultural diversity.
We can click here to see some pictures of the show.
Aquest matí hem anat a la capella de l'escola a veure una obra de teatre en anglès. Es titulava "Pirate Island", i ha estat representada per tres parlants nadius d'aquesta llengua.
Ha estat divertit, perquè, a través de bona comèdia, música i ball, hem tingut l'oportunitat d'aprendre una mica més d'anglès, i també se'ns ha animat a ser partíceps de l'obra i reflexionar sobre la diversitat cultural.
Podem clicar aquí per veure algunes fotografies de l'espectacle.
It has been fun, because through great comedy, music and dance, we have had the chance to learn some more English, and we have also been encouraged to get involved in the action and think about cultural diversity.
We can click here to see some pictures of the show.
Ha estat divertit, perquè, a través de bona comèdia, música i ball, hem tingut l'oportunitat d'aprendre una mica més d'anglès, i també se'ns ha animat a ser partíceps de l'obra i reflexionar sobre la diversitat cultural.
Podem clicar aquí per veure algunes fotografies de l'espectacle.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
2nd Year
Soon we'll start working on a story called "Pirates", and, when we perfom it, we'd like to dress up as pirates, of course! That will be at the end of the term, so we still have some time to prepare our costumes. All we need to get is a cloth for the head, and then we can also make our own hook and sword with a piece of cardboard. In the picture below, we can get an idea of how to make a pirate hook very easily.
We'll keep everything at home until our teacher tells us to bring it to school.
Aviat començarem a treballar en una història titulada "Pirates", i, quan la representem, ens agradaria anar vestits de pirates, esclar! Això serà a finals del trimestre, així que encara tenim temps per preparar la nostra disfressa. Tot el que hem d'aconseguir és un mocador per al cap, i, després, també podem confeccionar el nostre propi ganxo i la nostra pròpia espasa amb un tros de cartró. Amb les imatges de dalt, ens podem fer una idea de com fabricar un ganxo de pirata molt fàcilment.
Ho guardarem tot a casa fins que la mestra ens digui de portar-ho a l'escola.
We'll keep everything at home until our teacher tells us to bring it to school.
Aviat començarem a treballar en una història titulada "Pirates", i, quan la representem, ens agradaria anar vestits de pirates, esclar! Això serà a finals del trimestre, així que encara tenim temps per preparar la nostra disfressa. Tot el que hem d'aconseguir és un mocador per al cap, i, després, també podem confeccionar el nostre propi ganxo i la nostra pròpia espasa amb un tros de cartró. Amb les imatges de dalt, ens podem fer una idea de com fabricar un ganxo de pirata molt fàcilment.
Ho guardarem tot a casa fins que la mestra ens digui de portar-ho a l'escola.
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
1st Year
This week your children are taking home all the materials related to the story we worked on last term, The Hamster. These include the Theatre Set, which acts as a folder, picture cards, picture dictionary, drawings, booklet, finger puppets, a song, etc. It is time now to share what they've learnt: this is the most important phase of the learning process. It is now when your child will actively use the language she's acquired. Ask him to tell you the story, to sing the song, to show you the finger puppets and play with them, to read the booklet and to play with the word cards over the next few days, so he goes over the English we've used in class again. Enjoy!
Aquesta setmana els vostres fills duran a casa tots els materials relacionats amb la història que vam treballar el trimestre passat, The Hamster. Aquests inclouen el Teatret, que fa de carpeta, cartes de dibuixos, el diccionari il·lustrat, dibuixos, llibret, marionetes, la cançó, etc. Ara és el moment de compartir allò que han après: aquesta és la fase més important del procés d'aprenentatge. És ara quan el vostre fill farà servir de forma activa el llenguatge que ha adquirit. Demaneu-li que us expliqui el conte, que canti la cançó, que us ensenyi les marionetes i hi jugui, que llegeixi el llibret i que jugui amb les cartes de dibuixos durant els propers dies, de manera que repassarà l'anglès que hem fet servir a classe. Divertiu-vos!
Aquesta setmana els vostres fills duran a casa tots els materials relacionats amb la història que vam treballar el trimestre passat, The Hamster. Aquests inclouen el Teatret, que fa de carpeta, cartes de dibuixos, el diccionari il·lustrat, dibuixos, llibret, marionetes, la cançó, etc. Ara és el moment de compartir allò que han après: aquesta és la fase més important del procés d'aprenentatge. És ara quan el vostre fill farà servir de forma activa el llenguatge que ha adquirit. Demaneu-li que us expliqui el conte, que canti la cançó, que us ensenyi les marionetes i hi jugui, que llegeixi el llibret i que jugui amb les cartes de dibuixos durant els propers dies, de manera que repassarà l'anglès que hem fet servir a classe. Divertiu-vos!
Friday, 22 March 2013
All Years
Easter Bunny has a message for us all: "I know there will not be much homework over the Easter holidays, so please have a rest and lots of fun (and not too much chocololate!)".
Easter Bunny té un missatge per a tots nosaltres: "Sé que no teniu massa feina per fer durant les vacances de Setmana Santa, així que, sisplau, descanseu i divertiu-vos (i no mengeu massa xocolata!)".
Easter Bunny té un missatge per a tots nosaltres: "Sé que no teniu massa feina per fer durant les vacances de Setmana Santa, així que, sisplau, descanseu i divertiu-vos (i no mengeu massa xocolata!)".
Sunday, 3 March 2013
3rd Year
Our next test is scheduled on March 11. We've been working so hard lately that we don't need to worry about it.
This is what will be included in the exam:
1- Vocabulary: Sports and other leisure activities. Pets, farm animals and wild animals. Insects. Main animal body parts.
2- Grammar: Can/can't. Have got; haven't got.
The CD will help us consolidate knowledge and get ready for the test.
See you soon!
This is what will be included in the exam:
1- Vocabulary: Sports and other leisure activities. Pets, farm animals and wild animals. Insects. Main animal body parts.
2- Grammar: Can/can't. Have got; haven't got.
The CD will help us consolidate knowledge and get ready for the test.
See you soon!
2nd Year
On March 11 (Year 2A) or 15 (Year 2B), we’ll have our next test. We don't need to worry about it as long as we’ve been paying attention and working hard in class.
This is what we should revise for the test:
1- Vocabulary: Skills and free time activities. Artificial and natural elements of a landscape.
2- Grammar: Can/can't. There is a; there isn't a; there are some; there aren't any.
We should remember that the CD we have at home is a valuable tool to help us revise for tests.
Talk to you soon!
This is what we should revise for the test:
1- Vocabulary: Skills and free time activities. Artificial and natural elements of a landscape.
2- Grammar: Can/can't. There is a; there isn't a; there are some; there aren't any.
We should remember that the CD we have at home is a valuable tool to help us revise for tests.
Talk to you soon!
Thursday, 28 February 2013
All Years
Last week our friend Ezra visited again, and he helped us out with the lessons. Six classes had the chance to listen to a native speaker and enjoy his company and good humour. Thank you again!! See you soon!
La setmana passada ens va visitar el nostre amic Ezra i ens va ajudar amb les lliçons. Sis classes van tenir l'oportunitat d'escoltar un parlant nadiu i gaudir de la seva companyia i bon humor. Gràcies de nou i fins aviat!!
La setmana passada ens va visitar el nostre amic Ezra i ens va ajudar amb les lliçons. Sis classes van tenir l'oportunitat d'escoltar un parlant nadiu i gaudir de la seva companyia i bon humor. Gràcies de nou i fins aviat!!
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
4th Year
These are the food pyramids on which we have been working in our last two Science sessions.
We have learned quite a lot on food, diets, nutrients..., but we still have to learn how to work in groups and how to be more independent. We will try to improve a little bit every day.
We have learned quite a lot on food, diets, nutrients..., but we still have to learn how to work in groups and how to be more independent. We will try to improve a little bit every day.
Thursday, 31 January 2013
1st Year
We've been learning a song about a hamster because the story we're working on this term is about this pet. This weekend we should practise the song at home. In class we've sung it many times and we've read the lyrics, but we will really appreciate it if you listen to us and help us with this important activity. Enjoy the choreography too!
Estem aprenent una cançó sobre un hàmster perquè la història que treballem aquest trimestre és sobre aquest animal. Aquest cap de setmana hauríem de practicar a casa. A classe l'hem cantat moltes vegades i n'hem llegit la lletra, però ens aniria molt bé que ens escoltessiu i ens ajudessiu amb aquesta activitat tan important. Gaudiu de la coreografia també!
Estem aprenent una cançó sobre un hàmster perquè la història que treballem aquest trimestre és sobre aquest animal. Aquest cap de setmana hauríem de practicar a casa. A classe l'hem cantat moltes vegades i n'hem llegit la lletra, però ens aniria molt bé que ens escoltessiu i ens ajudessiu amb aquesta activitat tan important. Gaudiu de la coreografia també!
Friday, 25 January 2013
5th Year
Next week we are going to have a test on Unit 3 of our books.
This is what we think is going to appear in the test:
-Landscape features: these can be natural or artificial. (Island / Dam)
-Comparatives (-er / more) (Uglier / More beautiful)
-Present continuous (Lava is coming down the side of the volcano.)
Good luck!!
This is what we think is going to appear in the test:
-Landscape features: these can be natural or artificial. (Island / Dam)
-Comparatives (-er / more) (Uglier / More beautiful)
-Present continuous (Lava is coming down the side of the volcano.)
Good luck!!
Monday, 14 January 2013
2nd Year
Hello everybody!
2- Grammar: "I've got..."
3- Phonics: /e/ /o/ /u/
We have been working hard since the beginning of the second school term, so it is high time we did our second test.
The exam will be on Thursday, January 24 (Year 2A), or Friday, January 25 (Year 2B), and this is what we need to revise for it:
1- Vocabulary: The seasons of the year. The parts of a tree. Some items of clothing. Some objects made from wood.2- Grammar: "I've got..."
3- Phonics: /e/ /o/ /u/
All of us will get a great mark because we know everything very well!
Talk to you soon!
Talk to you soon!
3rd Year
Hi everybody!
Our second exam is scheduled on Monday, January 21, and this is what it will include:
1- Vocabulary: Sense verbs (see, hear, smell...). The five organs of perception (eyes, ears, nose...). Adjectives of quality (soft, hard, wet...).
2- Grammar: Can/can't. Description of objects (e.g. "Ice cream is soft and cold").
3- Phonics: /ch/ /c/
Get to work, and good luck!
See you around!
1- Vocabulary: Sense verbs (see, hear, smell...). The five organs of perception (eyes, ears, nose...). Adjectives of quality (soft, hard, wet...).
2- Grammar: Can/can't. Description of objects (e.g. "Ice cream is soft and cold").
3- Phonics: /ch/ /c/
Get to work, and good luck!
See you around!
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