Monday 4 June 2012

3rd Year

On Thursday we’ll have a brief recap on what we’ve been doing in our Science lessons throughout the third term; that means that our teacher will be asking us some questions about the two topics we’ve been looking at in class (public services and the five senses), so she recommends us reading and rereading our notes at home, or, at least, locating those pages in our notebooks on which we’ve been taking notes.

Good luck!

Dijous recapitularem el que hem estat fent a les sessions de “Science” durant el tercer trimestre; això vol dir que la mestra ens farà algunes preguntes sobre els dos temes que hem tractat a classe (els serveis públics i els cinc sentits), així que ens recomana llegir i rellegir els apunts a casa, o, com a mínim, localitzar les pàgines de la llibreta on hem fet les anotacions corresponents.

Bona sort!

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