Friday 27 May 2011

2nd Year

Greetings everyone!

This week-end and until Wednesday your child would like to have the opportunity to tell you a story about a centipede. You can also listen to it on the CD and ask him some questions (in any language). After the story, she'll dance for you while singing the song of our Primary School Musical. Unfortunately we haven't got the song on the CD, but the children know the music and they have the words in the notebook. Enjoy the performance!!

Salutacions a tothom!

Aquest cap de setmana i fins dimecres al vostre fill-a li agradaria tenir l'oportunitat d'explicar-vos un conte sobre un centpeus. També el podeu escoltar al CD i fer-li preguntes (en qualsevol llengua). Després del conte ballarà per a vosaltres mentre canta la cançó del nostre musical Primary School Musical. Malauradament no tenim la cançó al CD, però els nois i noies saben la melodia i tenen la lletra a la llibreta. Gaudiu de l'actuació!!

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